45:chapter finale

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9 months later

"our bodies are strong pieces of artwork
as doctors we know that.
sometimes we come to wonder just how?" I stand still and look at the bright lights in front of me . Everyone was seated and were listening intently.

"we are bewildered .
how does every part ,every organ knows what the hell it's doing?
when we don't know our own place in this universe
the harmony, the accuracy, and the efficiency that is going into what we call our body system is something that keeps me awake at night"I raise my voice just a little that i can hear it travel across the room in an echo.

". The mind is the human body's most baffling organ.let's say i don't want to use my reminder cards anymore"i throw the papers behind me
"maybe that was a bad idea"i muttered with the microphone still in my hand .The crowd chuckles.
"can you imagine that whatever i say to you right now has gone through my brain and traveled all the way to reach the muscles in my mouth in just 600 milliseconds"
"milliseconds"i repeat shaking my head in disbelief.
"Furthermore, regardless of our research and knowledge, we can't truly imagine it . Can we?"i come to silence

"finding a cure wasn't easy.especially that we all looked at that one organ and forgot how it is connected to all the others.Our organs They're all connected in this intricate way." I clamped my fingers together.

"finally, I'm proud to say that our pancreatic cancer clinical trials have all brought great results and that cure "
i paused and looked at the crowd with a new emotion as i said the next word
Blood was rushing to my ears as
i held my breath for a moment just as the crowd started clapping and cheering.

"Can i just say you look extremely hot"zander came from behind me.

"Doctor Elina your speech was inspiring we are glad to have you here today,"Said doctor Wilson.
Wilson was with me in the same batch in was great to see a familiar face here ,especially that he's the head of the medical research center in San Francisco .
"The pleasure was mine,Wilson "
"Say Elina i was thinking maybe we could catch up " he paused then continued with a little more confidence "Are you free today maybe we can have some dinner? "
"I'm afraid not "zander joined.
"Our flight is today night"
No, it wasn't .
Wilson waited for me to confirm .
"Oh yes, i totally forgot"I went with the act making zander grin like a fool,but not for long.
"But here let me give you my number . I'd love to stay in touch with you"that slapped that grin right from his face .
Wilson was more than happy to give me his number .

As soon as Wilson left i turned to face zander who didn't fail to hide his scowl.

"If i wasn't here I'm sure he would have loved to exchange more than just numbers"he grunted.
I rolled my eyes .
"Would you calm down he was a friend from college"
"Plus I have someone very special to spend the rest of the day within San Francisco. "
"Oh about that the airline delayed our flight"
How was that possible i checked my email just before the conference?
"Wait when did that happen? Why didn't i get an email?" I was a little confused.

"Don't worry .I already got us covered "
I gave him a questioning look telling him to elaborate more ,but the idiot just pulled closer and started walking.

"Seriously should i be worried? "

"Don't you trust me? "
he didn't even stop walking. He already knew the answer.
"Always"i answered him seriously.The corner of his mouth twitched.
"Then let's just enjoy our last night here"

"Lets."I smiled back.

" when you said you got us covered .I didn't really think we'd be getting on a private jet" i stood frozen in front of the jet.
Zander guided his hand at my lower back and whispered.
"Are we going to stand here all day Or do i have to carry you in?"

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