39:stand by me

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It was kind of funny how a few months back I had applied to a job in a small town where I thought I'd have a life of a bacteria.
No wait let me rephrase that.
I'd literally have no life at all. That's what I thought but as I look at the people surrounding me I know that I've grown attached to them.

"Hey, what are you smiling at? "Rima poked me breaking me from my very intense thoughts.

"Nothing really" I poked my pancake sighing. Zander seemed very interested at that I had to say.
"Do you ever have suicidal thoughts? "She asked her eyes filling up with curiosity.
"What! No "I became alarmed that people were staring at me now. I must have been grinning like an idiot before.

"Well, that got your attention "Jared laughs from the counter.
I rolled my eyes.
"You know a better way to get people's attention?"asked Rima.

"Flash naked "he grinned
"Not happening bro"alec coughed on his food just as Avalon walked in.

Jared gaze could have burned holes into her soul by the way he was watching her. I knew things didn't quickly escalate between these two and Avalon isn't really the type of girl who just gives in easily.
Avalon did her best to ignore the stared as she walked to the coffee machine and poured herself some black coffee.
Jared cleared his throat and continued
"As I was saying "
I gave him a warning look I knew he wanted to get under her skin. That was the only reason she would talk to him.
"Avalon! "I cut him fast.
I saw her face turn in my direction questionably.
Why do I always do this?
I walk over to her and examine her eyes. I notice how white the lines were. I blew out a breath .at least I don't look like a complete idiot now.

"You have anemia. you shouldn't be drinking coffee"
She looked at me again but this time, I knew to take a step back.
Here it goes.
"Did I ask for your medical opinion "
She took a sip from her coffee and for a second there I swore I saw an apology in her eyes.
She turned back to the others and walked over to Jared. Splashed the coffee on his shirt and said.
"I bet that got your attention" and with that, she left.

The next few days went by quickly I spent a lot of quality time with my brother whenever zander had work.
I also returned back to reading. I've been fascinated especially by a few book that I borrowed from my grandma.

is it possible for me to be both? A healer and a witch. I shook those ideas that seemed to pop every now and then.

"Rise and shine buttercup, "said a voice towering me.
"Go away! "I groaned.
"The waffles are waiting for you on your right "zander sang.
I dared peak and to my great disappointment, there wasn't any.

"Do you know what day is it? "he asked poking me.

"It's Sunday so leave me be! "I groaned and covered myself with the blanket.
I heard the door open and sighed thinking he left me, but a new voice came.
"She won't wake up "zander complained.
"Well there's only one way "A voice now I recognized as Rima's.
she played chasing cars on her phone.

"Oh hell no! I'm getting up this instance "I leaped out of bed to the bathroom.

"Told you it'll work "zander looked at her questionably.
"It's a greys anatomy thing" she shrugged.

"So what is so important that you made me wake up? You guys know I was on call last night" I said as I stretched out.
"You didn't tell her! "Rima's voice came out high.
"Look I was going to but -"
"But what? The girl would need a day to prepare"
"Prepare for what? "I questioned suspiciously.

"Prepare for the official bonding ceremony "zander replied. Rima was jumping with enthusiasm. Typical of her.
"And what exactly happens during the official bonding ceremony "I quoted in the air. I knew the I had to go through the Luna ceremony but not today.

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