2- Texting The Scammer

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<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "Way to go, you fucking SCAMMER. Thanks to you I'll have to starve for the next week to make up for the money you ripped me off of, you piece of shit! What kind of asshole puts up an ad saying they're selling a super Mario collectibles set but then mail My Little Pony stuffed dolls that look like they came from a Happy Meal?! Go fuck yourself!"

Tiffany continued to stare at the message for a long time. This was the first time she ever got hate mail from a random stranger. Even though she knew that this was a mistake and that the message wasn't meant for her, she still felt personally attacked.

<Tiffany> : "I think you got the wrong number."

<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "Sure, Jan. YEAH, RIGHT, ASSHOLE."

<Tiffany> : "No, I'm serious. I understand that you're probably upset right now, but this isn't who you think it is. I honestly don't even know how you got this number."

<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "Don't worry about how I got it. Just know that I wasted two nights of sleep to find you after you shut down your online shop. You thought you could hide from me? Well, think again. Be prepared to get your ass handed to you in court. I'll be getting more than my $500 back after this."

<Tiffany> : "You spent $500 on a bunch of dolls?!"

<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "COLLECTIBLES! And they were supposed to be a wedding gift."

<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "Wait, why am I telling you this? Just try not to leave the country. The cops will find you if you try"

<Tiffany> : "For the last time, I'm not the scammer! I don't even know who the scammer is, and I didn't do any deals with you. I'm sorry for what happened to you, but you won't be getting a cent from me."

<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "We'll see, Scammer. I'll give you two options. Either you give me back my money with interest for the stress you put me under or you actually send me the Mario collectibles. I'll pretend this never happened and drop the charges."

<Tiffany> : "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not the guy that scammed you. My name is Tiffany, and I've been out of the country for the past two weeks. I actually just got back this morning."

A minute passed, and then another.

<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "Ha. I almost believed you. Trying to trick me with your fake western identity now? Do I look stupid to you?"

<Tiffany> : "Omg. Okay, humor me for a second. If I were the scammer, why would I respond to your texts when I could just ignore it?"

<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "Because you're scared that I'll call the cops on you"

<Tiffany> : "I'm not scared at all since I know I'm innocent. You can call the cops on me, but it'll just be a waste of all our time once you find out I'm not the scammer. Instead of directing your anger at me, I suggest you call up your credit card company if you paid online and file a police report if you haven't already"

<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "Shit. You're not the scammer, are you?"

<Tiffany> : "No, I'm not"

<+82-XXX-XXXX> : "Omg I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for going off on you. I really thought I found the guy, and so I just kind of snapped when I sent you those texts. I must have sounded like a complete asshole."

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