38- High School Crush

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Monday. Everybody hated Mondays. Because what’s there to love about Mondays? Boring classes? Boring assignments? Boring school projects? Boring teachers? Seriously, nobody loved Mondays.

Kim Taeyeon definitely loved Mondays. Because Mondays meant cute notes, gummy bears, and more cute notes. With little skips along the hallway, Taeyeon made her way to the lockers and looked around warily. When everything was clear, she proceeded to unlock the metallic door and let out a tiny squeal. There it was, that all too familiar purple note stuck on a pack of gummy bears was neatly placed on top of her physics book.

“Good morning, Taetae” Taeyeon read it out loud before giggling to herself. “Good morning too!” She greeted back before stuffing it into her bag, together with the books for today’s lectures.

After making sure everything was in, the locker was closed with a soft clink and Taeyeon started walking to their classroom with a huge grin on her face.


Monday. Everybody hated Mondays. Because what’s there to love about Mondays? Boring classes? Boring assignments? Boring school projects? Boring teachers? Seriously, nobody loved Mondays.

Tiffany Hwang definitely hated Mondays. Because Mondays meant deadlines, school reports, and more deadlines. But one thing that made Mondays a little less annoying?

Definitely that cute smile from that cute girl across the hallway. With that cute backpack, and cute school uniform. And once she’s done staring like a little creep that she was, Mondays weren’t that horrible after all.

With a little huff and some shuffling of papers, Tiffany stretched out her arms before sinking into her seat. It was a tiring morning. The day hasn’t started yet but she was already exhausted.

'Why did I run for this position anyway? It was a stupid thing to do', she thought. But the damage has been done and now she was stuck in this office for a whole school year.

The bell rang, signaling the start of homeroom, and Tiffany quickly grabbed her things, rushing out of the student council office.


“Okay, so anybody who would like to volunteer to answer this problem?” The middle aged man looked around the quiet classroom for any possible volunteers.

He was about to pick a random student, the one daydreaming at the back near the window, when a girl with blonde shiny hair raised her hand.

“Okay, Taeyeon. Go ahead” The young lady made her way to the board and started writing down. “Alright, thank you.” He smiled kindly to which Taeyeon bowed in return.

“Okay, so we all know that there are multiple ways to solve this problem. And this is just..” The teacher’s voice faded into the background the moment Taeyeon went back to her seat.

“Boring.. Boring.. Boring..” Taeyeon scribbled on her notebook. A few minutes had passed and she was about to fall asleep when the phone in her pocket vibrated. With a quick glance at the teacher, her hand stealthily took out the device, revealing a text message from her friend. Great, something to distract her from that boring math class, she thought.

Yuri: Taengoooo

Taeyeon: Hi!!!

Yuri: I’m soooooo bored!

Taeyeon: I am too

Yuri: Well, that’s all! hahahaha

Taeyeon: What? No!!! Don’t go???

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