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"What are you doing?"


"Is there something on my face?" Tiffany grabbed a tissue and dabbed it on gently.

"No, there's nothing on your face." Taeyeon hesitantly reached out for the napkin and crumpled it before setting it aside.

"Are you always like this?"

"Like what?"


Taeyeon looked at her for a second and smiled shyly. "Uh... I guess so...?"

"Why are you even nervous?" Tiffany gently placed her hand on Taeyeon's, making the girl blush.

"It's just that..." She looked up and saw Tiffany nodding encouragingly. "I don't really go on blind dates."

The brunette smiled amusedly at the shyness. "Well, me too. But come on Taeyeon, today's our fourth date. Loosen up a little."

"I'll try..." Taeyeon blushed furiously when Tiffany entwined their hands. "Tiffany?" 


"Do you really like me?" 

Tiffany chuckled, finding it endearing to see the other girl all too shy. "I wouldn't ask you out again if I didn't like you." 

"Right..." Taeyeon sighed in relief and a small smile crept into her face. "Just so you know I like you too." She tried to meet her eyes but failed after seeing Tiffany’s wide smile. 

"That's a great relief." 


Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly before taking a sip on her drink. "It's just that I'm not sure if I'm reading you right."

"Reading me right?" Taeyeon looked at her in confusion, making Tiffany chuckle at the adorable sight.

"Your actions. I don't know if I'm interpreting it right. But since you said it yourself, I don't have to worry anymore." Tiffany grinned before releasing her hand to take out some bills to pay for their meal.

"Wha... No, let me pay." Taeyeon quickly grabbed her hand to stop her from taking out some money. "Please let me pay." 

Tiffany bit her lip as she tried to suppress her smile. "Okay, I'll let you pay since you're too adorable right now." She reached out and pinched her cheek lightly.

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