39- Mistletoe

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“Hey Taeng, we’re gonna have some Christmas party this coming 21st but the place hasn’t been decided yet. Are you in?” Yuri asked as she pressed the controller, trying to beat Taeyeon on their second match.

“21st? Uh, next Friday?”

“Yeah, next Friday. Sooyoung and her boyfriend are coming, Hyoyeon, Yoona..”

“Well, I don’t know” Taeyeon scooted a little forward in her seat, concentrating on the game.

“Even Sunny is coming! Hyo said she’s gonna invite some of her friends too”

“Yeah, well. 21st..” Taeyeon trailed off, clearly not interested in the ongoing conversation.

“Come on, Seohyun is joining as well!”

“I don’t know buddy. You know I don’t really celebrate Christmas” Taeyeon shrugged, then pumped her fist in the air when she won.

“Oh man, I lost again?” Yuri slumped in her seat, crossing her arms, earning a laugh from Taeyeon. “Oh right I’ve heard Tiffany is coming” The way Taeyeon almost fell from the chair was quite a sight but she held her laughter in.

“W-what?!” Taeyeon turned to her friend, practically shoving the controller away.

“Yeah, I think Yoona invited her? Or was it Jessica?”

Taeyeon blinked, mouth hung open. “You said you needed a place for the party?” She jumped out of her seat and held Yuri in place.

“Well, not really. I was just—“

“I’m in!” Taeyeon yelled, interrupting her friend. “Let’s do the party here at home! I’ll tell mom about it now!” She went off in a hurry to her room, screaming incoherent words, leaving Yuri laughing at her silly antics.

Yuri: Hey, I got her to join the party! You owe me one

Yuri sent the message to her friend with a grin before following Taeyeon to her room.

Taeyeon wiped her hands and leaned back, looking at the living room with a proud grin on her face. Mistletoes. Mistletoes everywhere. They were practically at every corner of the house, every doorway, just everywhere where she deemed necessary.

After searching on the internet for some Christmas themed decoration inspiration, Taeyeon ended up putting mistletoes all over the place, hoping that she would chance upon to have a tiny, little kiss from her crush.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Taeyeon cheered to herself, body shaking in excitement. “With all these mistletoes around, I’m pretty sure I can get at least one kiss from her!” She squealed at the thought.

With one last look, Taeyeon made sure everything was set before she went upstairs to get a little sleep in preparation for the long night.


“A pleasant surprise” Jessica pulled back after giving Taeyeon a light peck on her cheek. “Never thought I’d see you again”

“What?” Taeyeon laughed as she handed Jessica a cup.

“You’ve been staying in too much since the break started”

“You know me, I love indoors” Taeyeon shrugged with a toothy grin.

“Well, see you later Taeng. Gotta catch up over there” Jessica pointed toward the living room where Hyoyeon and Yoona were having a dance showdown.

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