30- Get You

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"So Tae.."

Taeyeon stumbled forward when Tiffany placed her arm around her shoulder.

"Have you met anyone interesting these days?"


"Oh. Why not?" Tiffany took a good look on the petite girl.

"I don't know.. I'm not really looking" Taeyeon answered with a shrug.

"Really, huh"


"Well.." Tiffany stopped from their tracks and turned the unsuspecting girl to her. "How about you date me instead?" She said with a cheeky smile.

"What? You?" Taeyeon snickered at the thought.

"Yeah, I mean.. Why not?" Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm single, you're single.. So?"

"Hm.." Taeyeon looked at her friend from head to toe. "I guess.." Her eyes widen in shock when Tiffany leaned forward to kiss her on the lips.

"Dibs!" Tiffany exclaimed before running away, laughing her heart out.

"H-hey! Come back here!"

"Come and get me!"

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