8- Say Something

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"Hey Tiff"


"Isn't that your ex?" Jessica pointed at the person across their table.

"What?" She turned around and saw a familiar petite girl sitting alone, writing something in her notebook.

"That's her right?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that she's not my ex?" Tiffany faced her friend and looked at her impassively.

"Fine. She's the one that got away."

"Ha ha, funny." She said sarcastically

"But it's the truth. What happened anyway? You always refuse to talk about it.” Jessica propped her chin on her hand.

"I don't know. One day she was still there then the next she's out of the country. Maybe she got tired of waiting 'cause she never contacted me since then. It's actually my first time seeing her in years. Nothing much changed, I guess." She glanced back at the table and let out a small smile. "What?" She asked her friend when she was smirking at her.

"Hypothetically, she's single right now... And you're currently single and available too..." Jessica smiled.

Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"What? It's just hypothetical, you know. So.. Will you say yes if she asks you out?"

Tiffany paused for a moment. "I don't know? Maybe? That's if she asks me out. I doubt she will, though." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Hm.. I'll take that as a yes, then." The blonde sipped the remaining of her coffee and stood up. "Come on, let's go. I think I had enough chitchat for today."

"Okay." She stood up as well and took a quick glance but the petite girl was nowhere to be found.


"Excuse me miss, I'm really sorry but can I include this when you check out? I'm kinda in a hurry and.." She stopped when the other person turned around. "Oh."

Tiffany didn't know what to feel as she stared back at the soft brown eyes she adored so much. "Sure, put it here." She said after the initial shock and pointed at the basket on the counter.

"Thank you." The petite girl shyly placed the can of soda into the basket.

Tiffany took the bag and started walking towards the exit. "Here." She held out the can.

"Oh. Thank you." Taeyeon took it and gave her payment.

"You don't have to." She waved her hand dismissively.

"Uh Okay.. Thank you again, Tiffany." The smaller girl smiled kindly.

"No problem. Well, I have to go now." She waved at her and walked towards her home.


Tiffany was on her way home when she passed by a small cake shop. She peeked inside through the glass wall and decided to go in. She looked through the display and smiled at the cakes lined up neatly. "I'll have one strawberry shortcake please." She finally said after contemplating what to buy.

The young man carefully placed it in a small box and sealed it before giving it to her. "Thank you, please come again."

"Thank you." She smiled as she took the box and realized there were small cupcakes near the counter. "Aww, so cute. How much are these?" She asked him as she pointed at the bite-size cupcakes.

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