14- Latch

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"Yeah, I know right? He was totally.." She looked at her almost empty cup when something fell in it. "out of it.."


She turned towards the clearly panicking voice and saw a girl sitting on the table, wide guilty eyes staring back at her. 

"I guess I need a new drink then." She shrugged nonchalantly to her friend before excusing herself to get a new cup. She chuckled as she took out the white Ping-pong ball in her cup and placed it on the table. 

"I'm sorry." The girl meekly said.

"Were you the one who did this?" She pointed at the red cup.

"Yeah" The girl bit her lip in embarrassment. "It was supposed to hit Yuri, not you. I'm sorry again." She offered an awkward, guilty smile.

"Yuri? You know her?" She turned back to her friend who was busy talking to someone else at the couch.

"Yeah. We had a few classes together." 

"Ah.." She nodded and skimmed through the cups laid on the table. When she found nothing, she decided to just drink from her cup. 

"Are you seriously going to drink that?" The girl grabbed her hand to stop her. 

"Yeah. Why not?"

"That's kinda gross. Who knows where those Ping-pong balls were from?" The girl took the cup beside her and offered it. "Here, drink this instead."

"Is there poison in it?" She grinned as she glanced at the seemingly untouched cup.


"Okay, if you say so." She shrugged and gulped it in one go. 

"Woah there. You should take it easy." The girl looked at her, clearly amused at what she did. 

"Nah. I'm going home after this." She waved her hand dismissively and stacked the discarded cups on the table. "I guess I'll be seeing you." She waved at the girl before walking to Yuri and left the apartment.

She was humming to a random tune while waiting for the elevator. She tapped her foot as she counted the seconds until the metal doors finally slid open. She entered and pressed the button to the ground floor then leaned back against the wall. Her eyes started to droop as the alcohol finally kick in her system. "Ah, can't wait to go home." She shook her head as she tried to stay conscious. 

"Wait, wait!" 

She looked up from the floor and quickly pushed the button to hold the door. "Oh. Hey, it's you again." She recognized the girl from a while ago.

"Yeah. Hi." The girl entered and pushed the button for the third floor. 

"You live here?" She turned towards the girl leaning against the wall.


"Hm.. Fancy." She grinned when the girl only shrugged in return. 

"So.. What's your name?" The girl asked after a moment of silence.

"Taeyeon. You?"


"Hm.. Fancy name." 

"There's nothing fancy about my name."

"You using an American name in this city is fancy for me." Taeyeon shrugged and watched the number change. 

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