26- Awkward

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Taeyeon shifted uncomfortably on the twin sized bed as they heard another moan coming from the room adjacent to theirs.

"Uh! Hah Um.."

She laughed awkwardly and took a quick glance at her best friend who was lying beside her like she heard nothing unusual.

"Um, Fany-ah"


"C-can you.. can you hear the-" And right before she could say the word, another, much louder moan escaped through the thin walls of the cheap hotel.

"Can I hear the what?" Tiffany lied to her side and faced her fidgeting friend.

"You know.. the um.." Taeyeon palms started to sweat and she tried to wipe them off discreetly but it was too obvious to remain unnoticed.

The disturbing noise started to increase in volume at each passing second that she had forgotten what she was saying.

"Oh.. That?" Tiffany pointed her thumb over her shoulder, gesturing for the wall right behind her.

"Um, yeah" Taeyeon swallowed the lump in before facing the other girl.

As soon as she was faced with a smiling Tiffany, she instantly regretted her actions.

"Don't you feel.. awkward?" An arm s around her waist and that just doubled the anxiety she's feeling.


"Because.." A very loud moan was heard, surprising her more than ever. "It sounds s-so weird"

Tiffany chuckled at her friend's flushed face and scooted closer, their noses almost touching.

"I've heard worse than that" She shrugged nonchalantly before nuzzling against the crook of her neck.

"I-is that so?"


The room fell into complete silence, everything was still, save for Taeyeon's thumping heart.

"I-I guess it's time to sleep" She said quietly. "Good night, Fany-ah"

"Good night, Tae" Tiffany mumbled before she had finally dozed off.

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