9- Always

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"I wanna ask you a favor."

"What is it?"

"Please move on"

Tiffany instantly pulled back and stared at her with wide eyes. "But I don't want to."

"But you need to." Taeyeon gently caressed her cheek with the back of her hand. "I want you to."


"I want you to be happy."

"But I am happy."

"No, you're not."

"But Tae"

"Stop doing this to yourself, Fany-ah. It breaks my heart." Taeyeon looked at her with the saddest eyes that she had never seen until now.

Tiffany clutched the hem of Taeyeon's shirt as a tear fell onto her cheek. "I can't, I tried to.. But I really can't, Tae."

"I know.. I know you're trying real hard. But you have to try harder." She lifted her chin and wiped the brunette's tear streaked face. She just stared at her, trying to engrave every detail of the person she loved the most. "How about I tell you a secret?" Her smile was gentle as she pried the hands clutching her shirt and held it. 

"What is it?" 

"We'll definitely see each other again. Maybe not sooner but we will." 

Tiffany slowly closed her eyes as she melted into the kiss. She tried to savor every tug on her lips, the light touches on her skin, and the warmth of her body as she pulled her closer. 

"You know I'll be waiting." Taeyeon mumbled in between the kiss. "And I'll always be here." She placed her hand lightly above the girl's heart. "Always." She pulled back a moment later and tried to smile as Tiffany's lips quivered.

"Damn it. Fine." She sighed exasperatedly after calming down. 

"That's my girl." Taeyeon grinned when she made her smile a little. "Now stop crying, okay? You should smile more often." She placed her arms around her waist and pulled her in for a warm hug. "Because you're the most beautiful when you smile."

"Sweet talker." Tiffany hit her back playfully which made the petite girl chuckle. 

"I love you, Fany." Taeyeon unwillingly pulled back. "I will always love you. Remember that." She held her face and placed one last lingering kiss. 

"I will. I love you too, Taeyeon-ah. Always."

The cool breeze made her shiver as her eyes fluttered open. She wiped the tears away and grabbed a handful of sand then threw it harshly at the small framed photo. "Damn it. Damn it, Kim Taeyeon." She grumbled as she wiped the glass clean and set it back. "I hate you for leaving me like that."

Tiffany rummaged through her bag and took out a small box. She took off the lid and smiled when she placed the flower crown on the corner of the frame. "Happy anniversary, Tae." Her thumb brushed along the girl's milky white cheek. "And you're right. I really have to move on now. It's been so long." She smiled sadly as she recalled the memory. "Thank you for everything, Tae." Her hand stopped at the pink lips. "Please wait patiently for me.. I know you will." She chuckled. "I love you. Always. I'll see you again." With one last sigh, she pushed herself up and stared at the lighted candle. She never felt so light after her short talk with Taeyeon. It may have taken her five years but it was better than nothing. She turned around and walked away, guided by the cool breeze that she hoped would take away all the pain and longing that she had been keeping inside.

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