18- Stupid

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Tiffany unbuckled her seatbelt and prepared to leave. But there was something holding her back.

Can I? I mean, today's our fifth date! It's not too soon right?

She shifted to her side to take a look at the person in the driver's seat. It was just in time when Taeyeon unbuckled her seatbelt and now they were left staring at each other, dead silence in the air.

I mean.. Look at those lips! They're so kissable! Her gaze shifted from the girl's eyes to her lips. Who wouldn't want to kiss them, right? Right??

"I had fun to.." Tiffany finally gave in and leaned forward to place a quick kiss on Taeyeon's lips, much to her surprise.

Oh, damn it! That was so embarrassing! You shouldn't have pounced on her like that!

Her hands quickly grabbed the door's handle and pulled it with much force. That was her plan. Kiss Taeyeon by surprise then get out of the car in a flash like nothing happened.

Oh, kill me now. But her plan totally failed. Her hand frantically pulled the door handle but it never opened.

After the realization sunk in, she stopped her movements, she didn't want to break the expensive car after all.

Then there was silence again, a bit awkward, until Taeyeon started to chuckle.

Tiffany dared not to turn around to face her but she had no choice. "Yeah?" She gave her most awkward smile to the girl grinning at her.

"You can't just kiss me like that and leave like nothing happened, Tiffany." Taeyeon scooted closer and took Tiffany's hand on hers.

"I know right?" Tiffany tried to laugh nonchalantly but totally failed.

"But I let you off this time since I wanna kiss you back." And with that, Tiffany's embarrassingly failed plan was rewarded with a sweet kiss. And another date this coming Friday.

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