22- Don't Tease Me

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"Unnie" Yoona turned to her with a cheeky grin while lifting her brows playfully.


"She's here" She kept on with her silly antics as she side eyed, pointing at the incoming person to their table. "Your lover girl is here."

"W-what are you talking about?" Taeyeon ignored the teasing as she continued to write on her notes.

"Oh, please. We all know that you liked her since high school."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Yoong."

"Still denying it, I see.." Yoona fiddled with her invisible beard as she leaned back on her chair. "Have you ever tried asking her out?" Her homework was now completely forgotten as she stared at her friend curiously.

"You're crazy"

"Seriously, Unnie. Why are you denying that you like her?"

"Because I don't-"

"Hi guys!" Tiffany greeted the two cheerfully, interrupting Taeyeon, much to her relief, and sat down on the empty chair beside the petite girl.

"Hi, Unnie!" Yoona greeted back just as cheerful while Taeyeon only glanced at her and gave her a small smile.

"What are you guys doings?"

"Doing homework. Boring stuff." Yoona said dramatically as she went back to her discarded notes. "Are you done with your class for today?"

"Yup. I'm done for the day." Tiffany chuckled when she saw Yoona's dejected look. "What's with the sad face?"

"I wish I was done for the day too. But things are piling up and I have to finish them all today" Yoona slumped on her chair and sighed.

"That's because you procrastinate a lot" Taeyeon mumbled as she finished the last item in her homework.

"You're mean, Unnie" Yoona pouted but the other girl was unaffected so she turned to Tiffany. "Fany unnie, kindly tell your wife to be less serious when it comes to school works."

Tiffany laughed at the younger girl's teasing tone and laughed even harder when she saw Taeyeon blushing.

"Aawwww, Taeyeonie.." She hugged the silent girl as she joined the teasing. "You should learn to loosen up a bit" She leaned forward in an attempt to kiss her cheek but Taeyeon was quick to pull away.

"Hey, stop it. It's not even funny" Taeyeon grumbled as she smoothen her shirt and started to collect her things.

"Uh oh" Yoona subtly scooted away upon seeing the girl's annoyed expression.

"I'm leaving now. Bye!" Taeyeon grabbed her bag and looked at the two with narrowed eyes before leaving.

Tiffany watched as the petite girl disappeared into the crowd before turning back to Yoona.

"Look what you've done, Yoong."

"Hey, why are you blaming me" Yoona crossed her arms and pretended to sulk.

"It was totally your fault" Tiffany stuck her tongue out playfully.

"Fine" She sighed dejectedly and went back to her notes.




"Are you mad?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The thing a while ago"

Taeyeon didn't answer as she continued on reading her book.

"Awww, baby. You know she was just kidding" She kissed the girl's cheeks, turning her frown upside down. "See? That's more like it" She leaned in to kiss her lips this time.

Taeyeon just stared at her for a moment then placed down the book on the couch. "It was a bit annoying, okay?"


"You know why"

"I don't know why, so tell me" Tiffany scooted closer and held her hand.

"Because you guys were teasing me" Taeyeon slumped on the couch as she started to sulk. "And you even made things worse by trying to kiss me" She looked at the grinning girl accusingly.

Tiffany's grin widen at the cute pout. "Awww, I'm sorry about that" She held the girl's face gently.

"But I can't help it, you're really fun to tease" She leaned in to capture her lips for a sweet, tender kiss. "I love you" She whispered against her lips, finally making Taeyeon smile. "Do you love me too?" Tiffany pulled back a little to meet her gaze.

"Do I?" Taeyeon shot back with a teasing smirk which made Tiffany laugh.

"I know you do" She winked and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. "So?"

"Alright, alright" Taeyeon sighed dramatically, earning her a light shove on the shoulder. "I love you too"

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