42- Miss Celebrity Meets Miss Snob

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“OHMAHHHGOOSSH! Yuri hold meeeeeeh!” Sooyoung dramatically clutched her chest as she shook Yuri’s shoulder vigorously.

“Hold up Soo! I can’t help myself either! Tiffany, hold ussssss!” Yuri and Sooyoung hugged each other as they tried to contain the giddiness to themselves.

Tiffany on the other hand crossed her arms while rolling her eyes, she then inched herself from the two crazy girls on her front, she sighed heavily remembering how she ended up with this two annoying fan gays or fan girls rather.

*Two days ago*

“My god Soo! This is so freakin’ big! I can’t finish this in 5 minutes!” Tiffany exclaimed while pointing at the big bowl of jjajjangmyeon on her front. 

Yuri then snickered. “That’s why, we know you can’t finish that, then you’ll have no choice” She then smirked that made Tiffany want to choke the stupid kkabyul on her front.

“Come on guys! I’m not as shikshin as you both!” Tiffany said in disbelief, waving her hands.

Sooyoung shouted. “Am I not your best friend?! Do this for my birthday!” Sooyoung acted hurt while Yuri licked her lips while eyeing the food that was supposedly for Tiffany.

“If only I don’t know what’s behind this dare! You only wanted me to accompany you to that shorty you idolize arrival on the airport!” Tiffany accusingly said while pointing at the two girls.

Yuri then smiled. “That is one!” She grinned and gave Sooyoung a thumbs up and the two high-fived each other.

“Yeah, now choose” Sooyoung crossed her arms and spoke. “Eat this jjajjangmyeon in 5 minutes” She pointed at the bowl on the table “Accompany us on the airport or forget you ever met a Choi Sooyoung and a Kwon Kkabyul?” Sooyoung said as Yuri poked her sides making Sooyoung jerk a little.

“Kwon YURI is the name. YURI baby!” Yuri said.

“Ah whatever! Now Miyoung, you choose!” Sooyoung said making Tiffany wiggle her head in frustration.

“Just please.. please don’t embarrass me on the airport, I’m not as shikshin as you so I can’t finish that” Tiffany pointed at the bowl of jjajjangmyeon and continued. “You even put our friendship at stake!? I can’t believe you two!!” She leaned at the seat before pushing the bowl to Yuri which the girl happily accepted.

“I know we’ll win! So the day after tomorrow okay? 8 am. Incheon Airport!” The two were given VIP passes inside the airport which wasn’t given easily to people but because of the two girls’ connections, it was easy for them to have it.


Kim Taeyeon, the girl the two wanted to meet, as far as she can remember from the shikshin and the black pearl, Taeyeon is the Korean superstar which is famous around the world, America to be specific. But she don’t know her so in her perspective, she isn’t famous at all.

Tiffany don’t even have the slightest idea of what she look like in person though her two friend kept making her see her pictures and listen to her songs. But because she don’t care, she.. don’t care!


Loud knocks woke Tiffany, she manage to wake her zombie self to open the freakily loud door and readied herself to kill whoever dared waking her up this early.

“Faaannyyy-ahhhh!! Are you reaaadddyyy? Letssss gooooo!!” Sooyoungs loud voice woke the rest of her sleepy cells as she manage to control herself not to grab the flower vase on her side and throw it to the two girls on her front. She saw Yuri behind Sooyoung with her Taeyeon shirt, beanie, bag that contains her albums, poster, lightstick, and banner.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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