35- Blind Date

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"I will miss you, Tae" Tiffany wrapped her arms around the girl's neck before placing a lingering kiss on the lips.

The genuine sadness in Tiffany's voice made her giggle. Pulling their bodies as close as she could, she pressed her lips on the girl's cheek. "Awww, it's not like we're not going to see each other for years?"
Letting the girl snuggle up to her, Taeyeon patted her back gently. 

"But still. I don't wanna go"

"But you already agreed?"

"I know. And it feels like I'm cheating on you" Tiffany tighten her hold as she sighed dejectedly.

"What?" Taeyeon chuckled at the cute whimper. "We both know that you're not. You're just going because you wanted your friends to stop bothering you, remember?" She pried the arms away and placed them around her waist. "Besides, I don't mind"

"I know you don't" 

"It's going to be okay. You already know what to do after the date" Taeyeon pulled back to look at Tiffany's cute pleading eyes. "Right?"

"Yes" Tiffany nodded. "Turn them down. Say that I'm not looking for a relationship as of the moment" 

"Right" Taeyeon nodded in return. "Now there you go! Everything is set! You just have to go out there and meet your friend" She grinned cheekily that made Tiffany smile. 


"I guess we should get going now. I still have to meet my friend for lunch." 


"Hi Yoong. Sorry I'm late" Tiffany smiled apologetically after taking a seat next to Yoona.

"It's alright Unnie. My friend just texted me that they're running late" Yoona waved her hand dismissively before passing the menu. "Why don't you choose something to eat while waiting for them?"

Tiffany gladly took the menu and started reading. "What are you having?" 

"Cheese burger" Yoona answered with a wide grin.

"Right. Why did I even ask?" Tiffany shook her head and proceeded to scan the list.

"Oh, they're here" Yoona patted her shoulder and waved at the people who just entered the restaurant.

Tiffany was utterly shocked upon seeing the people at the entrance. She could recognize that petite girl even from afar. There's no doubt that it was her girlfriend of six weeks now. When Taeyeon and her very tall friend approached their table, Tiffany was more than willing to stand up and introduce herself but stopped before she did something embarrassing. 

"Is this what I think it is?" Taeyeon turned to her friend with accusing eyes.

"Depends on what you're thinking" Sooyoung shrugged nonchalantly before turning to Tiffany. "Hi, I'm Sooyoung" 

"Hi, I'm Tiffany" Tiffany shook the hand absentmindedly.

"And this is my friend, Taeyeon" Sooyoung nudged the other girl. "She's actually your date for today"

"Her what?!" Taeyeon wasn't able to hold back her reaction.

"Yeah, yeah. You don't do blind date stuff but you've been single for too long that I'm starting to get worried" Sooyoung answered while clutching her chest dramatically. "Besides, Tiffany seems to be your type. Right?" She gave her friend a knowing look and took a seat.

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