19- Let's Break Up

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Tiffany tried to collect her thoughts as she lied down on the mattress, barely breathing. She had a lopsided grin on her face as she recalled how intense their love making session was. It was the best, she concluded.

After a moment of silence, she felt the other person shifting and so she did the same. Her hand instinctively reached out and tuck the stray strands of hair behind the girl's ear. The girl was gazing back at her with equally loving eyes and a silly grin of her own.

"Hey, babe" Taeyeon said quietly as she held the hand on her cheek. "Let's break up."

The room went still after the words came out. It was quite deafening, to say the least, and Tiffany didn't know what to do about it. She was pretty sure that things between them were in place.

No fights in the past few days, no silly misunderstandings, no unreasonable cold shoulders.

"What?" She had finally managed to say after everything sunk in.

"Let's break up. I don't wanna be your girlfriend anymore."

Tiffany just blinked at Taeyeon's serious expression. The girl was serious. Taeyeon was breaking up with her. This was real. She wasn't hearing things. "But Tae.." Her eyes started to glisten and she wasn't even aware of it. Her hand clutched the girl's desperately, afraid that Taeyeon might leave for good once she loosen her hold.

"I don't wanna be your girlfriend" Taeyeon repeated a little louder and Tiffany could hear her heart breaking bit by bit. "I wanna be your wife instead" The corner of twitched as Taeyeon leaned forward to close the gap between them.

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