17- Love Me

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The thing about fixed marriage is that you can't choose whom you'll be marrying. Because, duh, it's fixed. Arranged. You don't have a say to it. But oh well, what can I do? My dad won't stop blabbering about this girl, his friend's daughter, about how perfect she is for me. Ever since I came out to him five years ago, he won't stop blabbering about it.

At first, I didn't believe him. I mean, does he even know my type? Anyway, since he was so insistent at the time, I gave it a chance and went to that dinner. I must say, my dad has great taste in women, well, my mother is the most beautiful after all. So he must have really great taste.

So, how did the dinner go? I suppose it went well? Because I won't be here if it didn't go well, right? In this not-too-big-but-not-too-small bedroom. Shared bedroom. Lying in bed, waiting for sleep to take over.


I feel the mattress dip so I slowly open my eyes. I fight the urge to roll my eyes as I stare at the face hovering above mine. Seriously, why are you grinning?


"Have you fallen for me yet?" Her face inch closer. "Have you, huh?" Another inch closer.

"I'm sleepy" I push the grinning face away.

"Oh, please" The frown on her face is quite funny. And not to mention cute. "Hey" She pokes my cheek when I closed my eyes again. "Hey"


"Why can't you love me?"

I try not to react but fails miserably. "What are you talking about?" I ask exasperatedly as I furrow my brows.

"Why can't you love me, Miss Hwang?"

I thought she's just kidding but the look in her eye says otherwise.

"Shut up. And don't call me Miss Hwang"

"Okay" She shrugs nonchalantly. "Why can't you love me, Tiffany?"

I furrow my brows as I look at her. What is she talking about? I don't get it.



"Answer me!"

I didn't answer, though. I grab the collar of her cute pajama top and pull her in, instead. She chuckles at what I did and I don't know why she did that. "I love you, okay?" It comes out quite forced. Like I didn't mean it. But I do. I did mean it.

"Is that so?" I hate how she grins like that. Like she has the upper-hand or something.

"Yeah, so will you shut up now?"

"I will. Only if y..." She almost giggle this time when I cut her off with my lips. "..you'll kiss me" She continues before pulling back completely with a cheeky grin on her face. It's meant to mock me, I know. "I love you too, babe" She leans down and pecks my lips before scurrying to the bathroom.

I just follow her with my eyes until the door is shut. So you see, the thing about fixed marriage is that you'll never know if you'll be able to like the person whom you're supposed to marry. Does that even make any sense? I don't think it does, but whatever.

Uh, did I regret going to that dinner? I don't think so. Because I'm happy now. Because I have a very beautiful wife. She's very sweet and kind. And I love her so much. But she will never know. Because I don't wanna spoil her. And I bet she won't stop teasing me if I tell her these things.

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