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Hi, I'm Kim Taeyeon and I'm going to teach you how to get the girl. Yes, you heard me right. But before that, let me introduce myself first.

I'm a freshman from a nearby university, taking up arts related course. I believe I'm pretty enough to get a decent girl. But it's such a bummer that I'm not that tall..

Anyway, I guess that's enough. So, let's get started.

Step 1:

Find a suitable girl. Not too tall, not too short. Hmm, I think I found some plausible candidates. There's.. That, and that one. Oh, that one is nice. Next, the hair. I like long dark hair. Now my list is lessen to 10 people, based on these people around me. Then the eyes. This is the most important, at least for me. Their eyes must be pretty. The kind that curves adorably when they smile. Ah! Found one! And another! And.. Yup, that one too. There's only 5 left now. I guess it won't be that difficult to choose now. Lastly, their voice. Well, it's not that necessary but I just wanted to mention it. It actually doesn't matter whether their voice is too high or too low. But a husky voice is totally appreciated.

Step 2:

Make sure they swing your way. It will save you money and effort. Hmm, I guess I'm only left with 3 people now. That other one is quite unreadable so I gotta drop her. Just to be on the safe side. Well, the other one obviously has a boyfriend so. Yeah. 

Step 3:

Try to approach them. Or just be near them. Basically, be a creeper and try to listen on how they talk. Because remember the voice? Yeah. 

Step 4:

When they notice you lurking around, pretend you're lost. Then there's your chance to talk to them. Since I only have 3 people left, I'm going to try approaching the one with long dark brown hair. 

Step 5:

If they ignore you, just move on and approach the other one.

Step 6:

If it fails terribly, don't lose hope! There's still another one! I bet this one is kinda friendly. 

Step 7:

If they’re too friendly, try to stay calm and smile. Smile brightly. Give your biggest, brightest, most charming smile.

Step 8:

If you think they’re worth getting, try to befriend them. Or you can just go straight ahead and ask them out.

Step 9:

Don’t ask them out right away. That’s a very terrible idea. Trust me.

Step 10:

Be nice. Introduce yourself properly. Make a good impression. Behave well. Look her in the eye. Damn. Those eyes are so beautiful. It’s my soul out. Damn it. Concentrate. Focus. Focus, Kim Taeyeon.

Step 11:

Make sure they’re not weird. Or crazy. Because you’re weird enough. And crazy enough. You need a normal person. 

Step 12:

Take mental notes on the things she likes and dislikes. This is very important. Don’t forget that.

Step 13:

Don’t be a fool. Don’t be dense. This may depend, though. Just don’t be dense. Be mindful of any signs or hints or whatever. Just be cautious.

Step 14:




“What are you doing?”


“Writing what?”

“Listing something.”

“Listing what?”

“Ways to get you.”



Let’s continue step 14. Be prepared. To ask her out, that is. 

Step 15:

Oh, who am I kidding? I already got the girl. See you guys.

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