36- Drunk

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"Heeyyy Taeyeonn-ah"


"You know what?"


"I'm still not over you. I still like you.. no matter how many times you've rejected me"

"Are you drunk?"

"So what if I am? Who cares anyway"

"I do"


"Where are you? I'll come pick you up" 

"I.. I don't even know where I am right now" Tiffany heard a deep sigh over the phone. "I think I'm at Hyo's apartment"

"Right. Don't go anywhere. I'll be there in 10" 

"Yeah, sure" 


Tiffany was about to doze off when arms slipped around her own and lifted her up with a grunt. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking you home"

"Who says I'm going home with you?" Tiffany swatted the hands on her shoulders.

"Come on. Don't make it hard for me" 

"You made it hard for me. Why can't I do the same, huh?" Tiffany spat angrily, her legs wobbling as she tried to stand straight.

"Oh god. Please"

Tiffany instantly slapped away the hands reaching out to her.

"Please, let's go home now"

"I don't wanna go home" Tiffany wiped the tears that fell down on her cheeks. "Not until you'll say yes" 

"Oh god, Tiffany. We're not doing this!"

"Why not? Why do you keep on rejecting me anyway" Tiffany grumbled to herself as she let the other girl usher her to the door. "Wait!" She clutched the hem of the girl's shirt, stopping her from exiting the apartment.


"Please? Go out with me? I've been crushing on you since forever" With another grunt, Tiffany felt herself being lifted a little and it took everything in her to meet the girl's eyes. "Why are you staring?"

"This is why I don't let you party alone"


"You can't control yourself and you end up.. being such a mess"

"I'm such a mess because you won't go out with me!"

"My goodness! Stop it!"

Tiffany was about to argue some more when lips met hers for a quick kiss. "Did you just.. kiss me?"

"I did"


"We do that.. like all the time, Tiffany" 


"See? This is why you shouldn't go out alone. Next time you're going out, I'm coming with you"

A silly grin slowly appeared on Tiffany's face at the stern voice. "Are we girlfriends now?"

"Yes, we are. Since like 2 years ago. Now"

She leaned in for another kiss before completely passing out. 

"Oh god.. Guys! Can any of you help me out here?!"

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