27- Pick Me

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"Hi, may I sit here?" The brunette asked while pointing at the empty seat right next to her.

"Sure" The short girl nodded and proceeded to take out her notes.

"Um, hi.." The brunette greeted her again with an awkward smile. "I'm Tiffany by the way. And you are..?"

The short girl stared at the hand offered to her for a while before turning back to the brunette. The girl was looking at her with expectant eyes and with a wide grin, she said, "My name's Taeyeon. Your next girlfriend" She finished it off with a wink that got Tiffany grimace in return.


"News these days are getting crazier" Taeyeon randomly said as she laid her books on the desk.

"How crazy is crazier?" Tiffany turned to her after sending a text message to her brother.

"I was listening to the morning news on the radio while going to school"

"You listen to the morning news on the radio?" The girl furrowed her brows in disbelief.

"Yeah, anyway" She shifted to the side after neatly aligning her things. "Apparently, the price for raisins these days tripled than usual."


"I know right?" She flailed her hands. "I can't believe it too!"


"Do you like raisins?"

"Um.. Yeah?" Tiffany said hesitantly, not knowing where the conversation was headed to.

"Oh" Taeyeon raised her brows quite adorably. "How do you feel about a date?" She asked with a grin that made Tiffany look at her strangely before turning away and got completely ignored for the rest of the class.


"New shirt?" The brunette sat on her usual seat at the second row of the lecture hall.

"Yeah. My dad got me this recently" She said proudly. "Feel my shirt. It's so soft"

"It is" The girl nodded in approval. "What's it made of?"

"Girlfriend material" She winked teasingly and got shoved away quite harshly.


"I don't feel good about that test" The girl fidgeted in her seat as she watched the professor distributing the papers.

"What are you talking about? You studied hard for that test"

"I know. But I don't think I could get a high score" The middle aged professor slid the papers to them.

"Damn. I knew I was going to fail it" She shook her head at the red mark on the corner of her test paper. "What about you?" She turned to her side and was met by a wide smile from Tiffany.

"I wasn't expecting to get this" The brunette showed her almost perfect score. "Hey.." She waved her hand when Taeyeon didn't say a word.

"Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?" She laughed heartily when the girl pushed her away.


"What's wrong with your eyes?" Tiffany asked worriedly when she saw her rubbing her eyes constantly.

"I think something's wrong with my eyes these days" Taeyeon blinked twice and shook her head before facing the brunette.

"Why?" The girl looked at her reddening eyes intently.

"I can't take them off you" She chuckled when Tiffany exhaled through her nose before completely ignoring her.


"Yes! At last! Freedom!" Taeyeon stretched her arms loudly.

"I can't believe the semester went by so quickly" Tiffany commented as she gathered her things.

"I know right? Almost five months of suffering" She stretched some more before stuffing her notes into her bag. "But you know what I can't believe the most?"

"What is it?" The brunette turned to her side after making sure all her belongings were inside her bag.

"Almost five months and I still can't get you to say yes" She gave her a teasing wink accompanied by an equally teasing grin.

"Say yes to what?"

"Say yes to go on a date with me?" Her grin started to falter as the brunette gave her a once over. "So?"

"I don't really date people who use some lame pick-up lines but.." Tiffany shot her a lovely smile before taking her hand. "I guess I can make an exception for you"

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