15- Was It Worth It?

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The bathroom was filled with sound of water flowing and humming of a well-known pop song back in the early 2000’s.

Tiffany stepped back a little and let the shower run as she applied shampoo to her hair, gently massaging her head, eyes closed. The humming turned into faint singing and she swayed her body as the music played in her mind. 

The glass door was slid open but she didn’t even realize it, she was so into her singing, preparing for that high note somewhere towards the end of the song.

She was about to let it all out when the sound of running water stopped. She opened her eyes but didn’t turn around, instead she let the slender arms engulf her into a warm hug. She closed her eyes and went back on humming.

“Hi.” The short girl whispered as she placed a soft kiss on Tiffany shoulder before propping her chin on it.

Tiffany only hummed and started swaying her body again, slowly, and a small smile appeared on her face as the other person swayed along.

“I’m going to rinse my hair now.” Tiffany said a moment later and waited for an answer before turning the shower on. 

The arms loosen around her waist and went up, brushing her hair lightly. “Thank you.” She said after her hair was rinsed thoroughly.

The arms went back to its previous position and she felt Taeyeon's head leaning on her back. She stepped forward as she moved closer to the side, reaching for the body gel but a hand stopped her midway.

”Hm?” She glanced to her side and saw Taeyeon smiling.

Taeyeon pressed her body against Tiffany's back as she reached out for the bottle and got some soap on her palms. She laid her chin back to Tiffany's shoulder and slowly rested her hand on her stomach. She heard Tiffany giggle as she moved her hand in circles, her abdomen and up to her chest.

“It tickles.” Tiffany giggled again when the hands moved down to her waist then to her back, creating bigger circles this time as she rubbed the whole of her back.

“Just try not to mind it.” Taeyeon chuckled when Tiffany's body twitched a little when she slid her hands on her thighs.

Tiffany closed her eyes, trying to savor every light touches, and couldn’t help herself from giggling again when the hands went up and down the length of her right leg then to her left. “It really tickles.”

The other girl only hummed and stood up, she went back to position and turned the shower on. They just stood there and let the water flow onto their bodies as they enjoy the calming silence.

“Was it worth it?” Taeyeon asked, breaking the peaceful atmosphere inside the large bathroom.

“What’s worth it?”

“You running off like that.” It was said so quietly, she could barely hear it.

Tiffany chuckled, making Taeyeon lift her head and looked at her with worried eyes.

“Was it?” Taeyeon asked again when the other girl didn’t respond.

“Of course it was.” Tiffany turned around and held Taeyeon's face. She saw her looking down with a faint smile and couldn’t help but smile along.

“Good. Because I still feel bad for him.” Taeyeon finally looked up.

“Are you really?”

Taeyeon grinned when she saw Tiffany looking at her skeptically.

“Well maybe a little? I really can’t forget the look on his face.” She chuckled.

“Seriously, you’re still hung up on that? It’s been years, you know.” Tiffany shook her head.

The look on Tiffany's face just made her grin wider. “He looked like a lost puppy. It doesn’t really suit him.” She bit her lip, trying not to laugh.

“You’re so mean.” Tiffany slapped her shoulder lightly.

Taeyeon exhaled loudly. “I can’t believe I did that, though.” She smiled and reached out to brush her cheek gently.

“Me too.” Tiffany smiled back and held the hand.

“Well, it was their fault for choosing that place. They should’ve known better.” 

The twinkle in Tiffany's eyes showed a hint of mischief. “I actually chose the venue.” 

Taeyeon eyes widen in surprise. It has been a little over three years since that day and Tiffany had never told her about this before. “You did?”

Tiffany nodded. “I was actually hoping you’d show up in time. It was kinda risky. There was no guarantee that you’d come.” She smiled shyly as she looked down.

Taeyeon's eyes gradually softened at the confession. She cupped Tiffany's face and slowly lifted it up so their eyes would meet. “But I did.” 

“I know, and I’m very thankful.”

Taeyeon pulled her closer and leaned in, kissing her as gently as she could. “Sly girl.” She said as she tapped her nose after breaking the kiss.

“It wasn’t my fault the hotel was one of the famous venues for weddings.” Tiffany said it with feigned innocence.

Taeyeon chuckled. “Hm.. True, but they should’ve known who the owner is.” She grinned.

“They know.” Tiffany poked Taeyeon's cheek. “But I have my ways.” She pecked her lips.

“You always get what you want.” Taeyeon wrapped her arms around the waist and pulled her closer.

“Of course I do. You wouldn’t be here if I’m not persistent enough.” Tiffany placed her hands on the back of Taeyeon's neck.

Taeyeon hummed as she closed her eyes, loving the way how Tiffany brushed her neck.

“You’re totally worth it.” Tiffany kissed Taeyeon's forehead.

The short girl's eyes fluttered open upon hearing that. “Thank you.” She smiled lovingly at Tiffany.

“You’re always welcome, Taeyeon.”

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