10- Watch Me

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"Who's Soonkyu?"


"Say that one more time and I swear I'm going to stab this fork in your eyes."



"You wanna bet?"

Sunny put down her fork and looked at her friend. "What bet?"

She grinned and pointed at the people at the other side of the cafeteria.

"What about them?" The smaller girl looked at the 3 girls chatting.

"I bet that I can get a kiss from one of them." She said with a smug look on her face.

Sunny raised her eyebrows and soon started laughing. "W-what?" She clapped her hands, unable to stop, finding her friend's idea ridiculous.

"Why? What's wrong? What's so funny?" Taeyeon looked at her friend in confusion.

"Are you out of your mind? Those girls are way too out of your league Taeng." She finally said after calming down. "But okay, I'll accept this bet. What will I get if I win?"

"Ha, you're too confident about this, Sunny." 

"Of course I am. Do you even know those girls?" She pointed her thumb to the other table. "They're one of those popular rich kids in campus. We're just regular people here, Taeng."

"I know." Taeyeon leaned back and crossed her arms.

"Then why have this silly bet?" 

"For fun...?" 

"Fine. Just don't come back crying because one of them slapped you in the face." Sunny shrugged nonchalantly. "So what will I get?"

"I'll buy you lunch for the rest of the month." Taeyeon grinned.

"Oohhh. Nice! That's about 3 weeks worth of free food."

"And if I win.."

"Which is so unlikely to happen." Sunny interrupted her.

"You'll have to clean my apartment for the rest of the month." 

The smaller girl looked at her in disbelief. "You don't want free food?" 

Taeyeon shook her head. "I'm too lazy to clean up so I need someone to do it for me. For free." She grinned.

"Fine. Whatever you say." 

"So..." The petite girl stood up. "I'll go over there and ask one of them for a kiss." 

"Oh! Wait!" Sunny snapped her fingers when she thought of something. "A kiss on the lips. And I'll add doing the laundry if you win." She smirked.

Taeyeon raised her eyebrows at the idea.

"You scared, Taeng?" She challenged her friend.

The blonde straighten up and cleared dramatically. "Of course I'm not. I'll make sure to wipe that silly smirk off your face. Watch me, Soonkyu." 

Sunny rolled her eyes. "Stop blabbing and go over there." She waved off her friend.

Taeyeon nodded and walked towards the other table. She stood in front of the three for a moment before sitting down. 

"What's taking her so long.." Sunny impatiently tapped her fingers on the table as she watched her friend talking to one of them, the one with brown hair. She stopped when the girl looked at her from behind Taeyeon and waved at her. What? She thought, finding it strange but waved back nonetheless.

Taeyeon turned around to look at her friend and pointed two fingers to her eyes then to Sunny mouthing watch me before facing back at the three girls. 

Sunny only rolled her eyes as she saw what her friend did. She curiously observed her stand up and went to the other side of the table. The petite girl stood at the back of one of the girls, this time it's the brunette one, and held out one of her hands to which the other girl took as she stood up.

Taeyeon glanced to her friend before she reached out and cupped the girl's face and kissed her fully on the lips. She broke the kiss a moment later and smiled at the taller girl who in return patted her cheek. She turned towards her friend as the other girl sat down and couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. 

"Ha! I win!" She shouted across the cafeteria and earned a slap on her arm from the girl she had just kissed. "Ouch." She protested as she rubbed her sore arm.

"Hey don't shout, you're embarrassing yourself, Taeyeon." The taller girl said.

"I can't help it. Have you seen her face?" She pointed at Sunny.

"Okay, her reaction is priceless." The girl chuckled.

"See? And I get to have someone to clean my apartment and do my laundry." Taeyeon grinned.

"You were betting on me?!"

"Oh." She covered instinctively. "Ah, I need to go back. See you later, Tiffany!" She stoop down and kissed her cheek before quickly walking back to their table.

"You're not going to get away with this Kim Taeyeon!" Tiffany stood up and called out the petite girl. 

"I know!" She shouted back and hurriedly took her bag then ushered her confused friend to get out of the cafeteria as fast as they could.

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