25- Spin The Bottle

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The bottle spun round and round, and slowly but surely, it gradually went to a stop right in front of her.

"Okay, Taeyeon!" Her friend called out excitedly and the others joined in, some scooted closer while some threw at her some knowing looks.

Taeyeon coughed dramatically and straighten up, undeterred by the curious looks of her friends.

"Ask away" She said confidently and her best friend shot her a smirk.

"Are you gay?"

The room fell into complete silence after the words had spilled. Everyone seemed to be much closer to her now, making her a bit nervous.

"Um, yeah?" She shrugged nonchalantly and lifted an eyebrow at Tiffany's intense look.

"Do you happen to have a girlfriend?" Tiffany didn't spare a single glance at the other girls circling around them.

Taeyeon opened but then closed again. She looked around and all eyes were on her, one was even biting her nails in anticipation.

With a final look around, she turned back to her best friend with an equally mischievous grin and answered, "Does a 3 year non-commital relationship count?"

A distinct dramatic gasp was heard from somewhere behind her.

"I guess it does" Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly. "So?"

Instead of answering, Taeyeon leaned in and captured her friend's lips in a sweet, gentle kiss.

"Why are you asking me these questions, babe?" She asked quietly after pulling back a little.

A few gasps, cheers, squeals and a very loud yeah! Told you! Now pay up es! were heard around them.

Tiffany shoved the girl away playfully and blushed. "You, Taeyeon"

"Maybe later" She shrugged and kissed her once again. "Told you they knew" She stuck her tongue out playfully and gave Tiffany a teasing wink before running off to Hyoyeon who was collecting money from the others.

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