28- One Point

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Taeyeon shifted for the fifth time as she tried to make herself comfortable in bed. "Ugh! Fany" She tried to move her arm but Tiffany tighten her hold instead. "Babe, please move a little to the side"

Tiffany whimpered in disapproval before letting her go.

"What's wrong?" Taeyeon finally shifted to her side and looked at her girlfriend worriedly.

"I'm so sad" Tiffany sighed and scooted closer, snuggling close to Taeyeon's neck.

"Why?" She brushed her bangs to the side and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"We got our test papers back"


"I almost got a perfect score"


Tiffany loosen her hold to look at Taeyeon in the eyes. "Yeah" She said flatly, her eyes narrowed in disbelief.

"What?" Taeyeon raised her brows innocently as she stared at her girlfriend. "What is it?" She asked in confusion when Tiffany held out her index finger.

"One point"

"What about it?"

"I was that close to ace that damn test"

Taeyeon chuckled and got herself slapped on the arm.

"I hate you"

"Why are you blaming me?" Taeyeon placed her hand on Tiffany's cheek but got instantly swatted away. "It's not my fault that you didn't get that one point"

"Are you serious right now?"

"I am"

"I hate you so much right now" Tiffany said exasperatedly before turning away.

"What?!" Taeyeon immediately scooted closer, her left arm wrapped loosely around her girlfriend's waist. "Babe.." She tugged lightly at the girl's arm but got elbowed on her stomach in return.

"You're the worst"

"You know I'm not"

"Shouldn't have fallen for you"

"Now you're just talking nonsense"

"It's true"

Taeyeon sighed and tugged at her arm again. "Babe.. Face me"

With a disgruntled sound, Tiffany finally relented and turned around. "What?"

"It's just a silly one point"

"If you find it silly then why the hell didn't you just consider it?" Tiffany rolled her eyes when Taeyeon grinned before placing a quick kiss on her lips.

"You missed the key word, duh" She laughed lightly just to annoy her fuming girlfriend.

"I hate you"

"Nah, you just hate Professor Kim, not me" Taeyeon stuck her tongue out playfully.

"I hate you both! You're so annoying" Tiffany started to hit the girl's arm when Taeyeon won't stop grinning. "Screw you and your stupid baby face"

"My, my, thank you very much."

Tiffany groaned when the girl started to place light kisses along her jaw. "Taeyeon!" She called out sternly but got completely ignored. "Taeyeon. Stop it!"

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