11- You

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How are you? Are you doing well? I hope you are. Is he treating you right? I doubt it but I hope he is. It's been years but I can't help but think about you when it's raining. 

I had to carry those huge heavy boxes for you, you know. Because that dear boyfriend of yours was too busy at work that time. Too busy, huh..

It was the day that I dreaded the most. It was the day when you had to move out and live with him. Why am I like this? It's not like there was something between us. We were only friends back then. 

I loved you but you loved him and he (which I still doubt until now) loved you back. Sad, huh? One-sided love is sad. But did I regret falling for you, someone whom I can never have? No. Because love is a beautiful thing. And I believe there's nothing wrong with loving someone who can never be yours.

I wonder what you're doing right now. You left 8 years ago. 8 years... From this very house. Sometimes I wonder why I stayed here. The memories kept on haunting me. But I invested in this house so much and I don't really mind being haunted by those lovely memories. 

I wish I had the courage to tell you the truth. But ruining our wonderful friendship was the last thing that I wanted. Are we even still friends? I haven't heard from you for years. 

Sometimes I stare at my phone, looking at the words staring back at me. It was just a simple Hi, how are you? But I can't seem to find the courage to send it. 

Do you still have the same number? There are nights when I want to call you so bad. Especially when I had a rough day at work. Or simply because I want to hear your voice. I missed you. So bad.

I miss you. I miss how you say my name. How you treat me so nice. How you listen to me when I need someone. How you give advices. Your laugh. Your smile. You.

I wonder what I will do if I suddenly see you. What will be the appropriate thing to do? Smile? Say, Hi, it's been so long! How are you? Or just simply stare at you? Thinking about the possibility of that happening makes my heart beat faster. I wonder if you look the same. But I'm sure you're just as beautiful as the last time I saw you.

Then there's a knock on the door. At this hour? It's quite late. Who would come and visit me at this hour? Nobody bothers to visit me. 

The knocking won't stop so I willed myself to stand up and walk towards the door. I flinched at the sound of thunder. Then I opened the door. 


8 years. It's been 8 years. I'm not hallucinating, right? This is not a dream, right? Am I seeing things?

"I'm so sorry."

Why are you even sorry? You didn't do anything wrong.


I stared at you. You look pale. You lost a lot of weight. You were soaked from the rain. Why didn't you bring an umbrella? 


I just stood there. Stiff. Unable to move. I don't know what to do as you hugged me. Crying. Why are you crying? 


The sobbing breaks my heart. So I lifted my trembling hand and brushed your hair gently. "Don't cry" I cooed.

"He.." You pulled back and looked at me. The bright eyes that I knew so well weren't there anymore. The pair of sad eyes that I'm looking now. It breaks my heart. "You were right.." 


"He didn't love me"

I don't know what to say. 

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