40- TaeNy

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People started to separate from side to side as a gorgeous red head walked at the entrance of the prestigious university. A school where only two kind of people can study.

The Rich and the brainy.

As the red head walked with her five-inch stilettos on, you can hear few gasps of awe from the jealous ladies and drooling gentlemen. Her butler following behind.

“Another added in this school” Yuri who was rolling her eyes in frustration said, along with two other girls.

“Yeah right, let’s just keep distance, come on Taengoo-ah” Sooyoung, one of the two girls Yuri’s with, the other one is their leader Kim Taeyeon.

“Don’t you guys think that we can’t judge a book only by its cover?” The shorty intelligently told her friends, the tallest of them all then answered.

“You can’t blame us, we already have enough of Jessica and Hyoyeon dear leader” Sooyoung then locked both her arms to the two girls and pulled them along with her to enter their school.

“Aigoo, you two really!” Taeyeon sighed as she just let her small body be pulled by the giant and the laughing Yuri.

The bell rang, three girls then ran inside the room hurriedly, afraid to be reprimanded by their wicked science teacher. The three went to their seat in the second row but one of the seats was taken by the red head, Taeyeon’s seat to be exact.

“Uhm, excuse me but can you please move to the back? There’s another vacant chair there, this one’s taken” Sooyoung pointed at the vacant chair at the back while Yuri sat on the right where her chair was.

“But I’m already sitting. You move there” The red head answered making the shorty at Sooyoung’s back flinch.

“Woah, you’re brave! I’m not the one sitting there, this shorty on my back is the one sitting there” Sooyoung then pulled Taeyeon by her upper uniform.

“Then you sit at the back” Red head said looking at the flustered shorty.

“You! do you know who are you talki-”

“What is the commotion all about Miss Choi?” The teacher asked the tall girl not bothering mentioning Taeyeon.

“Uhm nothing ma’am, It’s okay Soo, you sit now, I’ll just sit at the back” Taeyeon said as she pulled Sooyoung down to seat and she went at the back silently sitting at the vacant seat.

Few whispers can be heard from the student’s gossiping about the little commotion happened.

The teacher then entered and went in front.

“We have a new student today, Miss please introduce yourself in front” The teacher said looking at the sitting red head, the girl then stood and went in front standing perfectly poised.

“My name is Hwang Stephanie. Half Korean, half American. I transferred here in Korea, our family is the owner of the Hwang Incorporated. A Korean/American company who exports goods from Asia to America and Europe”

After the little introduction, gasps of awe again can be heard after Tiffany finished introducing herself. Yuri on the other hand gave Sooyoung a knowing look, they gave a glimpse of their leader after.

“Uh, but that company is- oh well never mind, that’s nice, thank you Miss Hwang, you can take your seat” The science teacher then started discussing her lesson.

Sooyoung again glanced at the leader at the back and gave her an ‘i-told-you’ look at her face, the shorty ignored the giant as she tried to focus on what the teacher is discussing but at the end, she can’t stop looking at the red headed girl, then wiggled her head in frustration.

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