21- Surprise

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Tiffany almost dramatically dropped the plate in her hand the moment she turned around and saw her tiny little girlfriend making her way into the kitchen. She stared at her as the girl walked past her to the fridge and got herself a bottled water. She didn't know how long she was standing there but it must've took her a couple of minutes because next thing she knew, Taeyeon was standing in front of her with a very confused, but still adorable, expression.

"What's wrong?" Taeyeon waved her hand right in front of Tiffany's face to catch her attention.

"W-what?" She finally snapped out of it and glanced down at her empty plate before turning back to Taeyeon.

"Are you sick or something?"

Tiffany remained still as she felt the girl's warm palm on her forehead. "I'm not sick. Just..."

"Just what?"

"Are you for real?" Tiffany made sure to place the plate on the counter for safety measures.

"For real? What? What are you even talking about?" Taeyeon was getting more and more confused as Tiffany fiddled with her hair.

"Your hair, It's.."


"Oh my god!! You finally dyed your hair black!" Tiffany flailed her hands in the air and jumped like a madwoman before hugging her girlfriend tightly. "It's finally black!!!" She shook the petite girl violently out of pure joy.

"W-wha... H-hey, stop it!"

"No. You can't stop me!" She continued on shaking Taeyeon until she had had enough.

"What the hell?" Taeyeon held her head as she tried to focus at the sight of Tiffany smiling brightly.

"I'm just so happy for you!" Tiffany went to hug her again, a little less violent to Taeyeon's relief.

"I swear I can hear your scalp screaming for help every time I see them."

"Oh god, you scared the heck out of me." Taeyeon chuckled as she was squished in between Tiffany's slender arms. "So I assume that you love my new hair?" She leaned back a little to take a better look of the other girl.

"Of course I do! I'm totally in love with your new hair!"

Tiffany started to jump again and Taeyeon thought once was enough so she held the girl's shoulders firmly and pulled her down. "No more jumping and I'll let you play with my hair after breakfast." She grinned cheekily to which Tiffany responded with an eager nod and an equally cheeky grin.

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