3- Girlfriend For A Week

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Taeyeon is looking for a girlfriend.

It's Friday today, and as usual, she's in need of a girlfriend for the week.

Finding a girl is not as easy as it seems for Taeyeon. There comes a lot of time and effort for this player. While others like to be with a chick that has a pretty face, Taeyeon likes to research about a girl before actually deeming her worthy to be her girlfriend.

"Here's the list of all the female students with blood type O."

Taeyeon takes the small stack of paper out of Jessica's hands and allows her eyes to roam through each profile.

"Too tall. Too skinny. Too weird-looking." Taeyeon carelessly tosses the dismissed sheets to the ground.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing, littering the school garden like this?!"

Jessica and Taeyeon's heads turn up to see a girl of 5'1 glaring down at them with her hands against her hips.

"Who's that?" Taeyeon asks into Jessica's ear as her eyes move up and down. She likes what she sees-lots of curves.

"Hwang Tiffany. Student body president." Jessica replies with a yawn as she gets up from the grass and pats down her shorts. "I'm gonna head to the library to sleep. See you later, Taengoo."

"Later." Taeyeon responds absentmindedly, never once taking her eyes off of Tiffany.

"Pick those papers up. I will not allow this school's image to be soiled like this." The girl named Tiffany demands of Taeyeon.

"How do you know I did it?" Taeyeon stands up and smiles a little because they're almost the same height.

"I just saw you throw those sheets." Tiffany rolls her eyes and clenches her fingers at the garden hose. Idiots are everywhere at this school. If Tiffany were principal, she'd only accept the elite students.

"Maybe you need to get your eyes checked, because I don't remember ever doing that." Taeyeon reaches up to Tiffany's face and rubs her cheek with her thumb.

Tiffany flinches away. "Don't touch me." She bites out.

Taeyeon notices the blood rushing up to the president's cheeks. "Your blood type is O, isn't it?"

"So what if it is?" The garden hose is now discreetly aimed toward Taeyeon.

With a loud sigh, Taeyeon acts as if she's devastated as she marches up to Tiffany and grabs her upper arms. With one clean swoop, she has Tiffany where she wants her.

The latter yelps and attempts to free herself but Taeyeon, who is the captain of the Taekwondo club, is much stronger.

"Y-You...!" Tiffany stammers but the word 'rapist' is caught in her throat as Taeyeon captures her lips with her own.

When Taeyeon's body presses up against Tiffany's, the hose sets off, creating an umbrella of droplets over them.

The Notebook kiss has got nothing on them.

"I guess you have to be my girlfriend now." Taeyeon says as she pulls back.

"Hm?" Tiffany's hooded eyes flutter open. She feels hot everywhere and everything just looks faded and blurry. Her heart is pounding against her chest like a drum. It's an unusual feeling.

"I said you're my girlfriend, Hwang Tiffany." Taeyeon pecks the still dazed girl on the lips, just because it feels nice. "For the week."


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