24- Just A Little

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"Um, excuse me? What are you doing?"

"Straddling you. What else?"

"Get off me"

"Nuh uh" She grinned wider and moved a little closer before settling on her stomach.

"You're heavy. Get off me" She slapped the girl's leg and got pinned on the mattress instead. "Hey!"

"Hm?" She leaned down, brushing her lips ever so lightly against the girl squirming on her hold.

"Please get off me"

"And why would I do that?"

"What if someone sees us?"

"Then let's give them a free show" She smirked at that idea and honestly, she didn't mind giving them a show or two.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Maybe just a little" She chuckled at the girl's disapproving look before attacking her with gentle kisses along her neck.

"Don't be too loud, babe. Your dad might kill me for real" She mumbled against her skin before trailing back to her lips.

"You troublemaker" She grumbled before she got silenced by a passionate kiss.

"At least I'm no heartbreaker" The slight twitch on the girl's lips against her own just encouraged her to do more.

"O-okay, now stop" The grip on her wrists were loosen and she took this opportunity to push back the other girl. "No playing tonight" The girl pouted at her and she knew it was a lost call. "Fine! Just a little"

"I can't promise you anything but I'll do what I can" She winked teasing and got shove away. "Oh. You like it rough, babe?"

"Technically, everyone likes it rough"
She had to smile at the serious tone. "Well, I'll give it to you rough then"

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