16- Maybe

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Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I let my guard down too low. Maybe I've been reading those seemingly sincere eyes wrong. Maybe I was too blinded by that beautiful smile. Maybe. Why do I fall for these people over and over again? Why is this always happening? When will I ever learn?

I just stood there and clutched the book I'm holding, trying my best not to cry. She had her arm draped around someone else's shoulder, laughing at god knows what. I really thought she loved me. She said it herself. Am I that naive? I think I am.

They immediately stopped when she saw me staring at her. Her eyes widen in shock and the arm was instantly pulled back. It's the usual reaction when they're caught red-handed. They would rush to me, try to hold my hand, say it's not what it looks like. But I knew better than to believe these lies. So I stepped back before she could touch me. Another step. And another. Then I ran away. Far away. Where I can be alone and cry my heart out.


The doorbell won't stop ringing. It's been going on for an hour now. Then it stopped. I sighed in relief but soon the sound of the door being knocked harshly echoed around the apartment. She's been calling my name repeatedly until it stopped. I waited for any sound but nothing came after that. Maybe she got tired and left. So I went to the door, just to make sure she really left. I turned the lock and the door was opened with so much forced.

"Tae, please listen to me" She grabbed my hand swiftly before closing the door. "Tae.. Please!" Has she been crying? Why would she even cry? "I'm not..."

"Please don't."

"No, let me explain."

"You don't have to. I've heard all the possible lame excuses. I'm sure this one's not that different."

"No. Listen to me."

"You're hurting me."

She loosen her hold. I just stared at her. We had equally tear streaked faces. Sad eyes.

"Let's just break up. I know I'm not good enough. I'm always not good enough."

"What?! No!"

I raised my brows when she raised her voice. She had never raised her voice before. Not even when we're arguing.

"Why are you like this? Why are you giving up so easily? You won't even give me a chance to explain!"

"I don't know. I'm tired of being played. Let's just break up. Saves you time and effort."

"I beg to differ. Tae.. Please.. I love you" There's that look again. That gentle look. "You're not being played. I'm not cheating on you. I would never do that. Heck, I would never do that to anyone." She furrowed her brows as she looked at me. I think she's about to cry. "I'm sorry. She's just a friend. I swear."

"Heard that before." I scoffed.

"Ah, damn it!" She was about to throw the bouquet of flowers on the floor. I didn't even realize she was holding one. But she didn't throw it. She just stared at the floor. Then she started crying. The flowers were shoved into me then she left. Just like that. I looked at the almost ruined flowers. There was a note.

Happy Anniversary, Tae! I love you. Good luck with that musical this Friday! I'll be cheering on you!

There was even a heart drawn beside her name. I turned towards the closed door. I felt guilty. I didn't even remember it was our anniversary. Maybe I let the wrong person go this time. Maybe. Just maybe.

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