4- Intoxicated

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The bar was filled with loud music, random chatters and smoke for her liking but she stayed anyway. She was sitting alone, a glass of martini in front, maybe it was her third or fifth, she wasn’t sure, and she didn’t care anyway. Her head began to spin but she tried to distract herself by talking to the bartender.

“So you see, I’ve been waiting for almost a year. She said she’ll come home this year, early this year to be exact. But what month is it now?” She narrowed her eyes as she couldn’t see the bartender’s face clearly.

“October?” The tall young lady answered while wiping the newly washed cups.

“October? It’s October already?” She leaned back and tilted her head.

“Yes, 20th of October to be exact.”

“Oh.” She paused for a while. “See? It’s October already! And where is she now? She’s still in some foreign country, making money or whatever.” She shook her head and grabbed the glass.

“Your glass is empty.”


“Your glass is empty.” The person behind the counter said louder.

“What’s your name again?”


“Oh. Hi Yoona. I’m Tiffany.” She offered her hand for a handshake.

Yoona looked at her amusedly, she had seen a lot of drunks before but this one is a bit different. “Nice to meet you Tiffany.” She shook the hand. “So who’s this girl you’re referring to, anyway? If I may ask.”

“Ugh. No. Just thinking about her makes me mad. I shouldn’t have agreed.” Tiffany shook her head and buried her face in her palms.

“Is this person your lover?” The taller girl asked hesitantly.

The brunette snickered. “Lover? Yeah right.” Her words started to slur. “Should I just find someone else? Maybe I should, right?”

Yoona tried not to laugh. “You should break things off with her first, though. It would be rude not to.”

She sighed and looked around for her purse. “Have you seen my purse? It was just here.”

The taller girl chuckled. “You mean that one?” She pointed at the pink purse just beside the glass.

“Oh. Thanks. You’re so kind.” She reached out and tried to open it but her intoxicated mind made it hard for her to do so. “Will you open it for me? Please? Thank you.” She handed the purse.

“You shouldn’t have drank that much. You’re kinda drunk right now.” Yoona opened it and handed it back.

“Thank you, Yoona.” It took her a few minutes to find her phone. She unlocked it and stared at it for a moment before showing it to the young lady. “See this? That’s her. That stupid girl. She shouldn’t have left. I blame her for this. I can’t even remember the last time I got laid.” 

“She looks like a nice young lady.” 

“Yeah, nice. Nice until she tells you she has to go somewhere far to handle that stupid business of hers. I shouldn’t have fallen for a rich girl like her. My life.” She sighed and put her phone back into her purse. “Are you into girls, Yoona?”

The bartender only laughed.

“I don’t get it.” Tiffany just stared at her. “Anyway, don’t fall for cute rich girls. They’re no good in the long run.” She exhaled deeply. “Can I have another glass of this?” She pointed at her empty glass.

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