31- Random

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"Hi, baby" Taeyeon greeted the moment her girlfriend answered the videocall.

"Hi" Tiffany greeted back, the camera shook for a bit as she settle in her seat. "How are you?"

"I'm fine" Taeyeon practically beamed at her while scooting closer. "Busy day?"

"Oh god, can you move a bit? Your nose is literally filling my screen"

"Then how about this?" The camera moved down, focusing on the pair of lips puckered out playfully. "You like that?" She made some smooching sound before laughing at herself.

"Okay, as much as I want those lips. Please. Move back. I wanna see your stupid face"

"Okay, okay. No need to snap at me" Finally, to Tiffany relief, Taeyeon moved her phone away and now it was focused back to her face.

"Did you just wake up? You look like a mes."

"But you like it when my hair's a mess" Taeyeon winked playfully and messed up her hair even more. "This is my y look. You even said it yourself" She said teasingly that made Tiffany laugh.

"Okay, you definitely look y. but.." Tiffany cut her off when Taeyeon opened to retort. "You sound gross.."

"Really? I do?" Taeyeon cleared dramatically. "But you love my just-woke-up husky voice" She wiggled her brows playfully.

"Sheesh. Why am I even dating you? So full of yourself" Tiffany shook her head in feigned disapproval.

"Because I'm charming in so many ways" Taeyeon reasoned dreamily, turning over to lie on her stomach. "Now who can resist that?"


Taeyeon grinned at her girlfriend's equally cheeky grin. "Yet you're here, still head over heels for me" She clicked her tongue before shaking her head in mock disbelief.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, please. Baby, we all know that you're head over heels for me since the beginning" Taeyeon shrugged nonchalantly that got herself a cute glare in return.

"Wow, such ego. Great!"

"Yet you still love me" Taeyeon chuckled at the girl's flat tone.

"Right!" Tiffany responded with a deep sigh. "Now how about you get up and take a shower?"

"Only if you're coming with me" Taeyeon moved closer to the camera, filling the screen with her teasing face.

"Last time we did that, all I saw was fog" Tiffany laughed lightly at the memory.

"Hm.. Right." Taeyeon tapped her chin in thought. "Then I guess I'll just stay in here" She rolled over again, her head rested on the pillow snuggly.

"And what? Let another day pass by without doing anything?"

"Or.." Taeyeon held out her phone with one hand. "We can.." With a mischievous smile on her face, she slowly pulled up the hem of her shirt. "You know what I mean?" Throwing a teasing wink, she pulled it some more, making sure a little bit of her precious mounds were peeking right under the gray top.

Tiffany choked on her drink, her face inevitably turning red. "H-hey! Not fair!"

"Oh, I'm sorry" Taeyeon let out a small gasp before laughing. "Maybe later? When you get home?" She bit her lip, trying so hard to be y. "Or you can just lock the door"

"Taeyeon!" Tiffany practically yelled then covered in embarrassment. "Not now!" She hissed dangerously.

"Okay, okay. No more teasing.." Taeyeon chuckled at the girl's pink cheeks. "We'll do it later. At home.." She sat up with a groan and stretched out noisily. "I think I'll shower and get something to eat."

"Good. Go out and stop wasting your vacation"

"Hm.. Okay" After a few more stretching, Taeyeon finally got off the bed. "It's no fun when you're not here, though."

"Oh, please. Stop giving me that face. I can't miraculously appear in your hotel room even if you pout like that"

"Hmpf. At least I tried" Taeyeon pouted some more.

"Okay. Now go and take a shower" Tiffany waved her off.

"Fine. I will" Taeyeon sighed dramatically before straightening up. "Can't wait to see you in three days!" She moved her lips closer to the camera and get her a virtual kiss. "I love you!"

Tiffany couldn't help but return the smile just as wide. "I love you too. See you in three days!"

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