29- What?

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Um, so.. How do I say this? I mean. I know how to say it. But.. but some things are easier said than done, right? So.. Oh. I'm just randomly saying things now.

Anyway, how are you supposed to tell someone, a friend, that you like them? Like, like them in a different way? The kind that exceeds friendship? Sisterhood? Or whatever they call it. Do I just grab her and say, I like you? But.. that sounds so weird? It's.. just so weird? And what if she reacts violently? What should I do? Watch her walk away? I don't think I'm ready for that.

Sometimes, I hate myself for having these feelings. These feelings that I've only realized before we parted ways during our high school graduation. These feelings that I never knew I had until she promised that we'll see each other again after she finishes studying in some other far away country. That we'll be together again after she comes back. That she will message me every single day. I hate it because I have to live with it and don't know what to do with it. Do I just let it be? Wait until it fades away? But by the looks of it, it's quite impossible.

And before I can come up with a plan on how to do it, she just had to come out of the arrival hall. She comes to me almost running with that huge silver suitcase of hers. With the widest smile plastered on her face, she wrapped her arms around me into a tight hug.

"Let's get going, shall we?" She says after pulling away from the warm embrace.

We walk to the parking lot and after making sure that everything is in, we get into the car and sit there in silence. Before I can start the engine, she unfastens her seatbelt and turns to face me. There's that smile on her face again and I just can't help but return it.

"It's nice to see you again. After 4 years"


"I said it's nice to see you again"



"I mean-"

My hand unconsciously touches my lips while looking at her very confused face. "Why did you.."


"Why did you.. kiss me?" It feels so weird to say it out loud but I manage to do it.

"Oh.." She leans back a little. "I'm sorry, I got carried away" She looks away for a second before turning back to me with a shy smile. "Can I kiss you again, though?"


"I mean.. I haven't seen you in years and although we talk every day through the internet.. I'm.."

I've never seen her like this before. She's always well-composed and.. oh, I've seen this before. High school graduation.. "I just missed you so much, baby"


"Oh, you don't like that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought it suits you well, though. Maybe I'll think of a better name, then." She straightens in her seat. "So, can I kiss my girlfriend now?"

"Your what?!"

"My girlfriend? You?" She points at me before scooting closer to hold my hand.

"I-I am?"

"Um.. yeah? For the past 4 years?"

Now we are both confused. For different reasons, of course.

"4 years?!"

"Yeah, why? What's wrong?"


Then it hit me. The promises. The constant expensive phone calls. Those cute good morning and good night messages. The out of the blue I love you messages.. "I didn't know.."

"Didn't know what?"

"That we.. we are together all this time"

"You.." For a moment, I thought she's going to leave but then she starts laughing. "You didn't know?"

"I didn't.. I'm.. I'm sorry" I look down and realize our hands are still intertwined.

"Hey, no need to be sorry" She tilts my head back up "I should've made things clear" She grins sheepishly as she brushes her thumb against my cheek.

"I.." I manage to hold her gaze "I was so nervous today.."


"Because I was thinking on how I'm going to tell you that I like you"



Nobody talks for a moment until she says, "So how are you going to do it?"

"Do what?"

"Your confession"

I don't know where this courage is coming from but I gently hold her cheeks and kiss her. "I like you, Tae.."

She giggles in return and kisses me back.

"Okay, who are we kidding? I just don't like you. I love you" Another cute giggle and a sweet kiss.

"I love you too, sweetheart"

"Um, no."


"That name. It's a definite no.."

She pecks my lips before pulling away completely.

"Alright, two rejections in an hour. I think that's enough"

She lightly taps the tip of my nose before fastening back her seatbelt.

"Now that everything is clear, I think we should get going for real?"

I ended up just staring at her grinning face for a while. "Oh, okay.. Let's go"

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