23- Mistake

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"Hey, babe!" Tiffany's arm around the petite girl's waist and pulled her in. She leaned a little to take a better look of the other girl and as soon as she saw the girl's terrified reaction, her grin instantly turned into a frown. "Oh god, I'm so sorry!" She almost jumped as she stepped away from the stranger.

The unknown girl just stared at her, displeasure written all over the face. She apologized numerous times and explained how the girl totally looked like her friend from behind but the petite girl didn't seem to believe her.

"I swear it was unintentional" Tiffany raised both her hands. "I'm not a.. I'm really, really sorry miss."

The girl didn't say a word but sighed instead. She gave Tiffany one last judgmental look before shaking her head then left.

"What was that?" Tiffany furrowed her brows in confusion as her eyes followed the girl until she was out of sight. "So weird" She shrugged nonchalantly and thought she should just forget about it. "Good thing she's cute, though" She unknowingly smiled when she remembered the cute round eyes staring back at her in horror.

She walked back to where she should have met her real friend with light steps as she brushed the silly mishap off. Little did she know that it was one of the many silly encounters that they would have.


It was yet another weekend and Tiffany was happily talking on her phone while waiting for her friend to arrive. She decided to drop by at the nearest coffee shop and sat at the stool near the counter, thinking she wouldn't be waiting for long anyway.

"I know, I know. And after that night, he just disappeared" She nodded vigorously as she listened to her friend on the other line and absently grabbed the drink on the table. "Yeah! And I was like.." She choked on her drink and looked at the plastic cup in horror. "What the hell? This isn't mine!" The cup was placed back and that's when she saw the petite girl looking at her with wide eyes.

It was that stranger whom she grabbed by mistake in the streets a week ago. And Tiffany thought her friend must have some kind of a bad luck because right now, she was waiting for that same friend and while doing so, she did something by mistake again, victimizing the same person.

"Oh my god, it's you again" Tiffany frantically apologized and even offered to buy her a new drink to which the person declined. "But, please.." She glanced back at the cup and saw the girl's name on it. "Taeyeon, please let me buy you a new one. I'm so sorry about my stupidity"

"No, it's fine. I'll just get a new straw" The girl answered somewhat in a very unfriendly way before grabbing her drink and left.

"Oops, someone got mad.. Again" She watched as Taeyeon went to the condiments and threw the used straw before leaving the coffee shop. "Well, at least now I know that pretty girl's name" She shrugged nonchalantly and went back to call her friend.


"Heyy!" Tiffany smacked the petite girl's and laughed, draping her arm around the girl's shoulder.

It's been kind of a wild night at her friend's friend's house party and with the amount of drinks that she had, Tiffany could barely distinguish one person from another.

When the petite girl turned to her with a much horrified look, she almost immediately sobered up as Tiffany took a huge step back, hands up in the air.

"Oh god, it's you!" Tiffany gasped.
"Taeyeon! Oh god, I'm really, really sorry!" She frantically apologized and placed her empty cup along the stairs. "I swear I didn't mean to do that"

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