20- Fall

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"Taeyeon?" I held her face as she hovered above mine, panting.


"I like you." I know it's risky but I said it anyway.

As usual, she would just stare at me. She wouldn't respond. She does this all the time. And I wonder why do I keep on doing this when I know exactly what her reaction would be.


Days had passed by since that day. I haven't heard from her since then. I wonder if something happened to her. Then the days turned to weeks. I am seriously worried now. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

Now that I think of it, I haven't seen her in campus. Where did she go? So I sent her another message, asking if she's okay. I've sent a bunch of messages but I didn't get a single reply. I wanna call her but we agreed not to call each other. Sounds a bit odd, right? I'm still wondering why she wouldn't allow me to call her.

I'm still regretting what I had said. Sometimes I wish I didn't fall for her this hard. Sometimes I wish I didn't go to that stupid house party. Sometimes I wish I didn't agree to enter this kind of relationship, whatever this is. Sometimes I wish I wasn't one of your girls.

It was one of those nights when one of those popular kids would throw a huge house party. My friend from math class invited me and since I was bored at that time, I decided to drop by and see what happens.

It was going well, I had a couple of drinks, talked to random people, watched people pass by, and whatnot. I excused myself as I went upstairs to find the toilet. It was quiet up there. I walked down the hallway, occasionally opening the doors only to find bedrooms. It was the second to the last door, it was quite ajar so I lightly pushed it. I shouldn't have done that. The people inside were.. Well, quite intimate. So I closed it and went to the other door and exhaled in relief when I finally found what I was looking for.

I almost screamed when I opened the door and saw someone staring at me. I think she was the one I saw inside that room.

"Have you been waiting? I'm sorry if I took long." I stepped out and gestured for this person to go in.

"Are you alone?"

"What?" I found the question odd.

"Did you come here alone?"

"I did."

"Are you looking for your friend?"

"Uh.. Yeah?"

"Have you found them?"

"I did."

"So are you free now?"

"I'm going home, actually."

This small young person looked at her watch. "But it's still early."

"I'm quite tired and I feel like I spent enough time here."

"Too bad." She just looked at me, and I felt awkward. "Taeyeon." She offered her hand for a handshake.

"Uh.. Hi?" I shook it though I was obviously hesitant.

"Care to tell me your name?" She looked so cute when she smiled so I gave in.


"Tiffany. Nice name." She smiled again. "Can I get you a drink before you leave?" I'm not even sure if she was flirting.

"I guess I can use one. But only one." I held out my finger.


We were just talking about random things, getting to know each other and stuff like that. I learned that we're the same age and that she's taking a business major, must be one of those wealthy kids in campus. A couple of drinks later, I found myself lying in bed, her on top and lips pressed against each other's.

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