34- Popular

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As they walked into the campus, with Tiffany clinging to her like there's no tomorrow, Taeyeon couldn't help but notice the intense looks people were giving them. She thought nothing about it at first, thinking maybe it was just her imagination, until one of the passersby gave her a very judgmental look that she couldn't just ignore.

"What's up babe? Anything wrong?" Tiffany asked with a smile.

"Is it just me or people are actually staring at us?" Taeyeon just watched as Tiffany looked around. Her curiosity heightened when those people who were just giving them, or more like her, disgusted looks smiled in an instant.

"Maybe it's just you" Tiffany nuzzled against her cheek that made Taeyeon giggle in return. "Come on, we're gonna be late for class"


"Okay, now spill it Kim"

"What?" Taeyeon slowly looked up only to find her friend staring down at her with very accusing eyes.

"Since when have you been dating Tiffany Hwang?"

"Why do you know her?" Taeyeon wasn't even pretending to be innocent but surely, her friend thought otherwise.

"Who wouldn't?!" Sunny took a seat and scooted forward. "It's Tiffany Hwang!"

"What are you talking about?" Taeyeon pushed Sunny's face away and resumed eating.

"So since when?"

"We're not official" Taeyeon answered with a mouthful of noodles. "But I've met her during spring break"

"Spring break" Sunny's eye twitched at the thought of her homebody of a friend going to random parties, alone. "Keep talking"

"Remember my cousin Alex? His best friend got married and since he had no one to go with, he asked me to be his plus one. Then, I met her there. Turns out she was the groom's niece" Taeyeon explained with amusement.

"Okay?" Sunny absently nodded as she let the information sink. "So, you guys just started dating after meeting at the wedding?"

"Well.." Taeyeon was obviously stalling as she shoved some noodles into.

"Well what? Spill it! I need details!"


"Because you're dating her!"

"What's with her anyway?" Taeyeon asked in confusion. She took her time to finish her food and after wiping clean, she couldn't help but notice the accusing stares once again. "Why do I feel like people keep on staring at me today? It's so weird"

"Ignore them. Now tell me the details"

"Okay. So.. she kinda hit on me during the reception? Since I was just in my seat, watching everyone dance along to some cheesy music"

"She did?!"

"I know right!" Taeyeon nodded vigorously. "I never knew she swayed that way. She doesn't look like it, to be honest"

"Oh god.." Sunny shook her head at the girl's seemingly genuine innocence. "Then what happened?"

"She asked for my number and we went out on a few dates before classes resumed"


"Yeah. Wow!" Taeyeon laughed at her friend's dumbfounded face. "I wasn't really planning on dating anyone until I finish uni but she's just too cute and nice to pass on"

"Oh god, Taeyeon" Sunny flicked Taeyeon's forehead.

"What was that for?!"

"This person you're dating, Tiffany Hwang. She's not your typical everyday university student, you dummy!"

"What?" Taeyeon chuckled at her friend's seemingly nonsensical comment. "Then what is she? One of those popular rich kids? Or some egoistic queen bee?"

"Well, duh?!"

"What? No!" Taeyeon waved her hand dismissively. "You must have gotten the wrong person. She's far from that"

Sunny was about to argue when her phone rang. "Oh damn it! I have to go" She quickly stood up and grabbed her things. "I'll get back to you"

"Sure" Taeyeon shrugged nonchalantly before waving goodbye.


"Any plans after this?" Tiffany leaned closer.

"Nothing in mind" Taeyeon tried not to get distracted by the arms loosely wrapped around her waist as she wrote down her notes. "Though I do have more homework waiting for me at home. How about you?"

"I got nothing planned as well" Tiffany nuzzled against the girl's neck as she watched her flipping through the pages. "Can I come over to your place?"

"Only if you'll help me with my homework" Taeyeon turned to Tiffany with a silly grin on her face.

"Sure. Anything for you, babe" Tiffany returned the grin and placed a light kiss on Taeyeon's cheek before pulling back.

"Let me finish writing this then we'll get going"

"Alright. Take your time" Tiffany stood up and grabbed her wallet. "Anything that you want? I'll go buy something to drink"

"No, thank you"


Taeyeon nodded when Tiffany waved at her before leaving. When the girl was out of sight, that feeling of getting stared at dawned upon her. With a quick glance around her surrounding, there it was, people were really staring at her, giving her displeased looks that she couldn't quite understand. Shrugging the thought away, Taeyeon continued on writing her notes and ignored the unwanted attention for now.


"Seriously though. People were giving me weird looks today" Taeyeon couldn't help but voice it out after entering the small dorm room. "I kept on checking myself in the mirror but found nothing unusual. My shirt wasn't worn inside out, for god's sake!"

"I still can't believe you didn't realize you were wearing your shirt inside out until you got home" Tiffany laughed while taking a seat in the small dining area.

"But really. Today was so different. It's as if someone had spread a bad rumor about me" Taeyeon went to her desk and retrieved some books. "And that just doesn't make any sense"

"Why not?"

"I'm just your regular uni student. My life is boring as it is"

"You're not boring, babe" Tiffany got the book handed to her and opened the bookmarked page. "You're very much fun. Too bad they're missing out"

Taeyeon burst out laughing at the too good to be true compliment. "Oh please, you speak too highly of me"

"But it's true" Tiffany turned away from the book and scooted closer. "You're fun to be with. So chill, I like it" She held Taeyeon's cheeks firmly before giving her a sweet, long kiss on the lips. "I like you"

"I like you too!" Taeyeon squeaked and covered her face at the embarrassing outburst.

"You're so cute when you're shy" Tiffany teased as she pried the hand away, uncovering the girl's flushed face.

"How about we start doing the homework?" Taeyeon moved to the side and tried to ignore the teasing look Tiffany was giving her.

"Sure babe, sure" Tiffany gave her a light kiss on the cheek before turning back to the book.


"Come here, take a break" Tiffany called out and patted the space next to her in bed.

"But I'm not even halfway there!" Taeyeon whined as she craned her neck to look at the opened bedroom.

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