||4|| The trip.

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what day is it..? I slowly sit up.. everything is not as sore as it was.. how long has it been? how long did I sleep for? I slowly reach over to grab my phone but its dead..? Why is it dead..? It was fully charged when I went to sleep.. I shrug it off, Its probably nothing..? I get up and plug it in and done think anything else about it.  Its odd not knowing what day or time it was..? I sit down at my pc and turn it on, waiting for it to turn on.
When it does turn on, It's like normal.. I only turned it on to check the time and day.. Saturday 12pm..
Odd, it was Thursday when I fell asleep. Guess I slept for awhile.. my phone lights up, powering on for the first time in days and when it does it blows up with notifications, from discord, iMessage, Twitter even Instagram..
Most of them were from my friends, so I go to check them..

Tubbo_ Ranboo, come join my vc im bored.. Thursday 11:30am

Tubbo_ pleaseeee Thursday 12pm

Tubbo_ RANBBOOOO Thursday 12

Tubbo_ Ranboo? Thursday

Tubbo_ hey Ranboo, wanna stream with me today..?friday 1pm

Tubbo_ Ranboo? friday 3pm

Tubbo_ hey.. you ok..?

missed call from Tubbo_

Tubbo_ i get your busy and all but remeber your flights tommorrow at 5 am..

Tubbo_ hope you ok boss man.

50 unread messages from Tommyinnit

20 missed calls from Tommyinnit

holy shit. wow..

do I really annoy them to the point that if I dont reply for a couple of days thay get worried..? wow.. I put my phone into my pocket..and head off to the my bathroom. I open the door to see a bloody-ish towel just laying on the floor, how delightful. i pick it up and put it into my laundry hamper. i grab a fresh new towel and turn on the tap, turning it so that hot water would come out instead of cold. This is the part i hate.. looking, cleaning and covering up the cuts on my face. slowly l look up at the slightly cracked mirror and look at what had happened to my face.. it wasn't as bad as it seems just a bruise on his left cheek, along with some small cuts.. how could some small cuts bleed so much? i realize instead of just washing my face, i should just take a shower. so that what i do, I start the shower and wait for it to warm up..

time skip.

after i was down cleaning up from the shower. i get dressed it the last bit of clothes that i have Wait, my flight is in a handful of hours. I decide to go downstairs to eat. i slowly go to walk downstairs...why am i dizzy..

i wake up on my floor.. guess i passed out for a bit, i really do need to eat. i slowly get up and walk down stairs. my parents are at works. i grab a granola bar and eat that slowly, then chug some water so i feel more full then go back upstairs to go sit down because i am still somehow tired after sleeping so long.. i walk up to my room and close my door, go sit down on my bed and everything goes dark again..

i wake up to the sun rising, it was quite pretty.. i was guessing it was around 12am. i check my phone to make sure i was corretct and i was.. i still have some time before i have to go get on that stupid plane. I sigh, somehow after all that sleeping im still so so tired. i just felt like no longer how long i slept i would forever be tired.. but it was fine, i was fine..

I get up and go over to my pc, and turn it on and just wait for it to turn on. When it does, i open discord and twitter, and just scroll though Twitter for a bit, looking at all the "leaked face reveals" it was kinda funny to me.
Some random guy out there was getting swamped by my fans, thinking that it's me.
After about 1 hour on Twitter, I finally switched over to Minecraft. Which was pretty fun! I just did some "off camera mining" and ended up getting about 5 stacks of diamonds, even though it took 3 hours. I had to stop mining because I had to get going to the airport.
I I had to be honest.. I didn't want to go. I didn't want my friends to find out anything.
Why did tubbo even want to meet my anyways. I'm stupid, bored and overall just not fun to be around..
I grab my suitcase and walk downstairs, my mother wanted to drive me so our car didn't get stolen so I meet up with her and we head off. 

Time skip to where he's on the plane.

The flight from the US to the UK was beautiful. I pressed a hand to the thick glass of the window. It had only been 3 hours and his legs were cramping up. I was really nervous..because I just wanted to see my friends and the other is because I don't think my friends like me that much.. I snapped a picture of the clouds outside my window and tweeted it with a smile for the caption.  Oh dear the chaos.. it was funny to hear all the notifications go. But he had to put his phone on silent so the other people on the flight didn't get mad. I slowly slid my phone back into my pocket, unwilling to watch the chaos unfold.. I hope this was the right choice.. this was a good idea right..? They won't find out. At least I hope to god they won't.. because if they do.. I don't know if I can handle it.
Woo new chapter  sorry it took a bit, this one is a bit of a filler chapter. The next one will be better I promise.
Word-count 1036

(Also, it hasn't been proof read. So spelling mistakes might be in here. Sorry it's late at night)

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