||20|| Let me go.

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(Warning!- I write these late at night and I do not proof read them!)

He.. went through my messages, he messaged my friend. They all fucking hate me now..
I scroll down and click Dreams contact, there was a message that said

"I hate you, you disgust me. The fact that you even reached out to me makes me want to vomit, I hope I never fucking talk to you again."  Sent yesterday

Oh fuck. Well I'm done, that's it. Everything I've worked for it gone.. nothings worth it.. I go to different peoples contacts and it's the same copy paste message.. I open discord and click the first person I see. Techno..

Missed call
Missed call
Missed call
Techno: Hello..?
There was nothing but it didn't matter, I've already made my choice.. I feel the tears roll down my cheeks..
Hopefully..this time I won't fail.

Technos POV:
Fucking traffic sucks here, I need to get to Ranboo I can just feel somethings off but I don't know what.. we'll I mean he looks like he's dead, he really fucking good at masking his emotions.. what else.. THE FACT THAT HE CUTS HIMSELF?! that too, but at this rate if he was dying by the time I got there he would already be dead.
God, this fucking playlist is getting annoying, I've been looping it in the background forever..  I pick up my phone and decide to call dad- I mean Phil. I've never had a strong relationship with my own father, he just ignored me so.
I press the call button and put it on the car's Bluetooth so it comes out the speakers.
Ring.. Ring.. Rin-
"Hello?" I say wondering if my phone just cut off or if Phil had picked up.
"Hi techno-mate!" He says back, so he did pick up!
"Oh thank god, I'm so bored right now-" I say back-
"Uh what's wrong..? Your never really bored-?" I hear phil say, he's not wrong. I always have a book to read or a game to play or a place to be.
"Well, first before I say anything I want to know how much you know about Ranboo.. because I figured out somethings that you need to hear" I reply.
"Well, techno that's private, it's like me telling everyone your problems."
"I  guess that makes sense.. Anyways, I'm heading to his house in *insert location here* because I heard and say some unholy things." I say my voice shakes a bit, you can't really tell since it's very deep but still.
"OH FUC- sorry, may I ask why you saw?"
"Him self harming to the point of passing out, it looked like it might have killed him. Also he's unbelievably skinny.."
I mean he was and phil should have known that, he saw Ranboo right...?
We continue talking on the phone for a couple more hours, I'm about 20 minutes away now so I say bye to Phil and turned on the music once again.. let's hope he isn't dead yet and that this was all a dream.. but deep down I had a really bad feeling about this..

Ranboos POV:
This time I'm determined to finish it, everything I've worked for is gone, all my friends hate me.. I mean I'm so worthless that my own mother left and my father hits me! I smile to myself, this time no one can save me.. This time I'll be free! That's what I want..right?
No I can't go second guessing myself, I know I'm stupid but I can fucking make one good choice in my life i will be this.
I know where I'm going and where to send the notes to..I have a group chat made for this especially so that's already done, I just need to you know.. clean up a bit. If I die then I have to leave this disaster for my father to clean up.
And if that happens I swear he will bring my back to life to clean it and then kill me himself, I mean who wouldn't!
I head around my room stuffing all the shit in the ground into its assigned area, I also remember to sweep up the mirror shards, don't want people hurting them selfs, that's my thing! I smile at my little trauma joke, I fine them funny but no one else does. Their loss!

I grab my phone and copy the note that I've been saving for so so long, it's short but if you read into it then you understand what I'm about to do..

Thank you all for everything it really means a lot, I just wish I could show that better. Thanks for the friendships and family's I've been forced into. I get this isn't the type of message you want to get or anything but I hope you all have good lives :D

And I sent it, I guess I did say thank you a bit to much. But that's ok. Not like they would care, I run over to my desk drawer and grab the note from the 2nd attempt and bring it with me.
I walk downstairs with nothing but the note, I left my phone upstairs because if I'm going to die I won't fucking destroy things.
I make it outside and slide the note so it's just barely under the door mat. The make my way to the bridge.
It was a peaceful walk, a bit to hot though. I guess not everything can go the way I want it to.

I get there and just take it all in, the bridge was above a ravine with water flowing though it. It had trees and flower all around it.. it was truly the best spot..
I walk up to the railing and lift myself up so that I could sit on it, my legs dangled over the edge.
This is it.
I'll finally be free! I let go of the railing and get ready to fly, when I feel arms tighten around my chest.
"LET GO!" I screamed, I was so close don't take this from me please..
"PLEASE FUCKING LET ME GO!" I say struggling to get free from this person's grasp. I WAS THIS CLOSE, I CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT! IM FUCKING WORTHLESS! I can't keep fighting this, my malnutrition dumbass is to weak..
I feel myself get pulled down despite my best efforts..
"No.. please- don't..! Please.. please.." I say in between sobs.
I take one final grasp for the railing back the person pulls me back..
I turn around to look at them but intend I'm forced into a hug..
"Im sorry.." they said.. the sounded oddly familiar..?

"Wait, techno?"

Hope you all are having a wonderful week, and if you aren't then I understand why your reading this!
Remover to stay hydrated and get some sleep!
Love you all and that's for the support it's unbelievable!
Have a good day/night!

Word count 1172

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