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Warning!- I write these late at night and I do not proof read them!)

Ranboos POV:
"What..?" Techno says back confused, I guess this is normal when others can't flip off their emotions, they get confused.
Don't tell me I have to explain this right, if I do that will suck.
"Just forget about it, if it's anything serious then you would have figured it out." I snap back at him.
I don't care anymore, they don't care about me so what's the point!
"Ok, ok. Calm down." Techno says in a annoyed voice.
I want to see how long until he hits me, or yells at me.  That will be funny! The person that cares about this mistake is crazy.
I yawn, I haven't noticed how mentally and physically exhausted. I guess trying to commit no life really takes the energy out of you.. my eyes start to get harder to keep open.
I give up on staying awake of the rest of the car ride, so I lean back and close my eyes.. I've learned how to sleep in situations like this, once I had to stay in a trunk of a car so I think I'll be fine.
The void fills my eyes as I close them, reminding me of what I could have had if I didn't fuck up. If techno didn't save me. As i remade myself that I'm a failure I feel the familiar loss of all control, my mind turns fuzzy and my body shuts off.. I guess I'll wake up this time.

I feel myself get shaken awake, everything still felt like a dream..And I wish it was. That I could just wake up at my house and retry again, and not fail.
"Hey boo, we are here.. come on I'll show you your room." I hear techno say. I guess this isn't that dream though.. and maybe he wants to just help me- no, he's going to hurt me.
I slowly get up walk to the front door, making sure to back away so he doesn't get mad.
Techno give me this weird look and unlocks the door, I don't know if I want to go inside.
"Ranboo, you coming?" I hear techno's muffled voice say from inside the house.
"Uh, ya sorry" I reply in a low voice, If I talk to loud he'll hit me and I don't want that to happen.
I slowly make my way into the house. It smelled of Christmas..but it's the middle of summer? It was a mixture of kinda like gingerbread and cinnamon, along with a bit of caramel.
The warm sent made me feel comfortable and calm, it reminded me of my childhood right before everything went south.
"Sorry if it's a mess in here, I didn't have a chance to clean." Techno says, his voice also a whisper.
If he had stoped to clean this place I've would have succeeded, but I didn't get that lucky did I?
I slowly walk up to him making sure to study his movements and facial expressions, if someone is mad at you or is planing to hurt you you can see the slight twitch in their hands, or the death glare they are giving you.
No that's not the case this time, he looks welcoming, kind, like he wants to help. Stop don't be absurd, he doesn't.

"It's ok, my house is much more of a mess as you have seen." I mumble back. He gestures more me to follow him so I do, I let him guide me to the guest bedroom. His house was not a mess, it was extremely clean. With the exception of a hand full of dishes spread out around the house.
Nothing compared to my house, but then again I was shit at cleaning it. No wonder dad hates me.
We get to the guest room, and holy shit I can't stay here. Its way to fucking nice for a person like me.
The bed was so much bigger then mine at home, maybe it would actually fit me into it, the sheets on top of it were a slight off white, with a nice design on them. There was also a nice light blue blanket folded at the end of the bed.
There was a book shelf on one side of the room with some vines twisted around the left side.
There was a side table that had a nice old looking lamp and a clock. Of coarse there was more, there was even a connected washroom. Holy shit how is he this rich.
I step into the room, techno not far behind.
"I guess it's a bit much, but I really like the castle core vibes it gives off." Techno says behind me, I didn't notice how close he was so I scramble to get out of the way.
"Alright boo, I leave you to do your own things, but I'm the morning I will be looking for cuts. And I will be searching for anything that could harm you." He says in a calm and steady voice, out of pure habit I step back and wait for the impact. Nothing happened odd..
"Ok, thank you again techno. I'm really glad that you saved me, it means a lot!" I put on my fake happy voice
And smile at him, he won't see throw this right? I see his face turn confused and then relieved.
"No problem, you'll be heading back home in about two days" he says as he leaves the room closing the door behind himself.

I wait until I don't hear his footsteps anymore then let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. First of all, im fucked of i go back there. Second of all I need to hid this blade.
I guess I'll do that fist since it's easier then having a panic attack. I wonder around the room trying to find something to hide it in, I guess a book will work.
I look though the books on the book shelf and find two, one a decoy and the other one to hide it in.
I grab the blade out of my pocket and slip it into one of the pages in the dark green book. I place it onto the side table along with the other book I got, which was this deep purple colour.
After this i Sit down in the corner I don't deserve to sleep in the bed, and just zone out..

"I guess it's back to pretending Everything's ok.."

and if you need anything remember that my comments are not a place to vent, but my dms are! :D
Have a wonderful day/night and remember to drink water~

Word count 1161

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