||24|| Touch starved.

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(Warning!- I write these late at night and I do not proof read them! And remember that techno is a brother-like figure. Don't sexualize this or I will remove it.)

Ranboos POV:
Waking up in that corner sucked, everything ached my throat felt dry, my neck felt broken. But I can't sleep in the bed I don't deserve it, I've done nothing for him..Nothing.
I slowly try to stand up, making sure to not pass out. Wow days of not eating anything can really fuck you up. I make my was over to the books I placed down earlier and go to grab the blade, but I remembered that techno said he was going to search me for sharp things and cuts.
I sigh, why can't I just fucking do something right for once.

Technos POV:
I've been putting all this in the back of my head, and trying to think logically and I think I've figured out the real reason why he didn't want to.. live.
First of all, he's addicted to self harm, so I'll check how much room is left untouched.. If he didn't have much room left or that the cutting is getting to dull then that maybe why-
Or, because of the noises I heard, which were definitely not.. clean. So he might be getting abused by his father.
Plus I've been bringing it up to see how he would react. I'm not going to send him back in two days, he seemed panicked when I said that. So it's definitely a home problem.
Also when I went inside of his house to grab his phone quickly a cam across a lot of broken glass and alcohol-related bottles.
Or the last one is that he's faking it, and that this was a elaborate scheme for attention.
But then again killing yourself without knowing that someone would save you makes this not possible.
I haven't been able to sleep because of what happened, I'm scared he'll do it again. Well no doubt he will.. it's just a matter of when he will.
I reach over and grab my phone, and go to text Phil.
He probably knew about this already, didn't he.

We have a whole conversation about it and he did indeed know about it, so I sent hims the wrist picture.
He said that was way worse then it was when he was in the uk.
Good to know, so it was something that happened when he's at home, ya he's definitely not going back anytime soon.
I look at the time 7am, I've been up all night so I get up to go make Ranboo and I some breakfast.
Well not really make it. It's just going to be those little eggo waffles that you put in the toaster- I mean who doesn't like them-??
I grab Ranboo's phone on the way out, and slip it into my pocket. I felt so tired but I had to make those fucking delicious waffles-
I get to the kitchen and pull them out and put them into the toaster- well, when he gets here he's going to get the room and himself looked over for sharp objects, and I have to look for more cuts which won't be hard.
Soon I hear footsteps coming my way, Here he comes.

Ranboos POV:
I walk out into the long hallway, trying to figure out the way to the living room. Then I smelt the smell of.. waffles?
I followed it out to the kitchen, making sure to not walk fast because if I did it felt like breaking a bone. I get there after about 2 minutes of painfully slow walking and see techno. Oh great, here it comes.
"Hold out your arms, boo" techno says in calm voice, making me feel safe..
I hold out my arms slowly, and oh my god it fucking hurt so much.
Like everything in my arms broke. I wanted to scream but I couldn't, because he would get mad and hit me..
he slowly rolls up my sleeves and sees the bandages, they hadn't been tampered with.
"I'm not really comfortable with searching the rest of you, and I want you to trust me.. Ok? So I'll ask if you hurt yourself in any sort of way last night, scratching, cutting, burning-?" he starts to list off was to hurt yourself, but I cut him off before he could get any more reasons out it was just a nice and simple
He knows how to tell if a person is lying so hopefully he'll believe me.
"Ok then boo, I believe you. Would you like some waffles?"  He asks me.
I'm starving, I don't care if I'm fat I want the food so badly. My stomach was killing me along with the rest of my body.
I nod my head he grabs a two waffles and puts them on my plate, then four on his own.
He gestures me to follow him so I do, he leads me over to the couch.
I watch him sit down, grab the remote and turn on the tv.
Slowly, I sit down on the floor in front of it, it felt awful sitting in hard wood. My body already slept on it so this sucked even more. 
"No silly, come sit on the couch. Not the floor!" Techno laughs
Embarrassed I stand up, making everything worse then quickly sit down in the couch.
It felt so fucking nice, I start to eat my waffles and finish them in about 5 minutes?
We are distracted by the tv now, all the background noise and the calming music, combined with sleeping on the hard wood and now sitting on the worlds most comfortable thing ever I started to feel tired.
I felt safe here, I knew if techno hurt me he would feel bad so I let myself drift slowly back to sleep.. hoping for sweet dreams to come.

Techno POV:
I'm watching the tv, eating the last bit of my food when I feel a soft tap on my shoulder, it didn't seem to move though?
I turn slowly to see boo asleep on my arm.  I smile and pat his head before lifting his head up, move ig away and putting a pillow under him.
I sit down on the other couch, this one smaller and take my plate off my lap and move it away.  I close my eyes and let myself fall asleep to..  I wish I could comfort him more but I won't hug, tap, Etc(nothing sexual)
until he feels comfortable with it..

"My god, he must be so touch starved "

Hello! Hope your having a great day/ night.
Remember that this is not in anyway trying to sexualize this in any way.
Techno is supposed to be a big brother to mr.boo ok?
Anyways, remember that my comments aren't a place to vent, but my dms are.
And please stay hydrated and grab a little snackie, you deserve it <3

Word count 1181

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