||5|| "Ranboo? You ok?"

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(angsty chapter! Sorry for the wait. warning- I write these late at night and I do not proof read these)

The plane is landing.. I was glad that it was. If I was in this hell of a place any longer I would have died.  My legs were sore and so was my back. I couldn't even go to the washroom the whole time because it's to small for me to even fit into it which sucks. I hate this plane. I slowly stretch out my arms, so I don't open any of my older cuts and just wait for the plane to fully stop.

I get off of the plane and start to panic.
What am I supposed to do? Is tubbo even going to pick me up? I slowly walk
around till I see Tubbo.
Tubbo looked so tiny at the bottom of the escalator. He was alone and staring and had clearly spotted me long before I saw him. If I was braver I would have ran down the escalator and tackled Tubbo like in all those videos he'd seen. But they were in public and I never quite shook the panic that came with being friends with Tubbo. I slowly get on the escalator down to the lower floor, and slowly approach Tubbo as to not startle him or scare him.
"RANBOO!" he yells at me
I instantly put my hands in front of my face and shut my eyes closed waiting for him to hit me, even though we are in public he still might do it.
"R-Ranboo? I'm so sorry! Are you ok..? He says
'Shit shit SHIT SHIT!'
"Yep-! Sorry I just got startled by you yelling" I say to him.

I fuck up. It's been less them 3 minutes god I'm a mistake. I don't deserve anything that's happening to me right now.

"Uh.. ok! Let's get going. It's to crowded here." Tubbo says with pity in his eyes.
I nod and we head off.

The car trip was pretty, but nothing I haven't seen before. I was still really nervous, I thought I would feel better after I saw Tubbo. After I knew I people would be for me, but I didn't feel anything. Everything that I thought would help didn't.
At least now I know nothing can help, Nothing.
I get riled out of my thoughts by the car stoping at his house. The place I will be staying for.. not to long, it would be nice if I could stay here forever but it's already a burden to them if I stay for 3 months let alone my whole life. This is the last place I think I'll stay before I die. I mean it's the only thing I can do at this point, Im not a fighter and the fact that I'm living at my friends house and taking up there time I mean it's the best thing I can do.
I slowly get my suitcase from the back of the car and walk inside.
I went into Tubbo's house smelled like butter scotch, it was very welcoming. I follow Tubbo into the newer part of his house, which was very big. But the thing that sucks about it was that I had to sleep on the couch because he didn't want buy me a bed. But that's ok. I won't be here for long.

I put my suitcase down and flop down on the couch, stretching myself out.
"Wow, making yourself at home I see?" Tubbo says.
I hum a response.
"Ranboo- you don't mind if I go live.. do you?"
"No I don't. Go ahead. I'm just going to be off camera trying to find my mask and glasses in this stupid suitcase." I say rolling my eyes.

I'm still trying to unpack my suitcase when I get a notification on my phone,
Tubbo_ went live!
Just a norma mcc practice, nothing weird here.
Oh god Tubbo. Could you have made it even more obvious.
It was funny how exited Tubbo was to see me irl, honestly I'm surprised I managed to keep a friend this long.
I hear tubbo start talking to his chat, I need to hurry and find these stupid mask and glasses.
Did I even bring them? Gosh If I forgot it would take at least a couple days for things to get here, wait..
I reached into one of my hoodies pockets and pull out the mask and glasses. Odd, I don't remember putting those in here but thank god that they are. I put on my mask and my glasses and just sit there. Waiting for Tubbo to slip up and look at me or talk to me, we'll I wait I pull up his stream chat and read them. All of them were asking Tubbo if I was there. I was on my alt so they didn't see me in chat.
I se the chat go crazy? I look up and Tubbo is looking right at me. This is my chance! I grab one of his pillows and throw throw it at him.
He flips me off then giggles.
"Ok dickhead come out" he says.
I wasn't really ready to but I guess it's for tubbos stream.
I sit on the other office chair and roll my way into frame.
"Hi chat" I say
They go insane, at this point the chat is going quicker then I can read. I look at the viewer count 200k. Holy crap that's insane.

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