||14||Oh no.

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(Warning!- I write these late at night and I do not proof read them! Also, a very quick moving chapter.)

Wilburs POV:
I wake up on the grass, I must've fallen asleep with Ranboo last night.. you can't blame me after what he did. I'm terrified! I don't know how to help him.. speaking of which were is he? I get up slowly, my back hurting from sleeping on the floor. I look around until I spot Ranboo. He was sitting down right by the unlit campfire just staring at nothing. He looked deep in thought. I won't bother him, he needs time alone since he has nothing else to kill himself with.. I just hope he'll ask us for help soon, I don't want to push him.
I get up and head into the camper, the sweet smell of pancakes hits me, it's refreshing to smell something other then damp earth. Phil says a quick hi to me, and I and sit on the couch with Tubbo. Tommy is still asleep on the floor, that's probably why everyone is being quiet, I want him to stay asleep since he barely gets any sleep anymore. I look over at Tubbo and see he has a worried expression on his face, I'll ask him about that later. For now I pull out my phone and start to scroll randomly waiting for Phil to finish the food.

We quickly go outside with our hands full of food for everyone. Tommy was half awake now, walking behind with his blanket still over his shoulders. Tubbo phill and I put the plates in the table outside. Phil looks at me then at Ranboo then back with a worried expression. I shrug and whisper to him "I'll tell you later" he nods.
Tubbo is already shovelling food onto two plates, I'm guessing one for Ranboo and one for himself..?
I was wrong, it was for Tommy? Odd I thought Tubbo would have brought over a plate to Ranboo, but he seems to be ignoring him.
Ranboo looked at Tubbo with a somewhat hurt expression and back at me with a mad experience. He still wanted last nights plan to have worked. That's why he's mad at me. He doesn't want the help but he needs it really badly.
I grab some pancakes for him and slowly walk over to Ranboo. I place the plate by his feet and he mumbles a quick thanks before I walk over to Phil, making sure Tubbo or Tommy wasn't near us. They weren't, Tubbo was over in the flower area with Tommy. I gesture Phil to follow me. He understands and follows me to the back of the camper out of site. At this point I haven't noticed I've been holding up my emotions, So I just start crying. Phil looks shocked?
"What's wrong? What happened will?" He says concerned.
"I- I-.. j-just r-read!" I can feel the attack coming on, so I reach into my back pocket and grab the note and shove it into Phil's hands, smudging the lead so it looks less neat then it did previously. It's getting harder to breathe, instead I start to inhale very sharply and exhale quickly after that.
I sit down and curl up, maybe my meds would help- oh wait Ranboo FUCKING TRYED TO KILL HIMSELF WITH THEM LAST NIGHT.
A voice pulls me out of my thoughts.
"Hey, calm down I'm here ok..? Just try to copy my breathing ok..?" I hear Phil say to me i try to, but it's difficult.
"Hey.. I'll go grab your meds ok?" That sent me even deeper into the attack. I could barley get ANY air now. It was all hyperventilating. Phil noticed this and kneeled in front of me. I felt myself getting pulled into a hug, I told Phil a long time ago that during these situations that he's aloud to touch me, but only as a last resort.
It calmed me down instantly.. just knowing that Phil was there for me no matter what, helped a lot.
After a few minutes I had fully calmed down and braced myself for what was to come when Phil read the note.
It took him a good 2 minutes to read it over and over again.
"T-this is a joke right..?" Phil's says his voice quivering.
I shake my head, "He found my medication, and he decided to down it. The only reason he's alive is because I made him throw them up." I say my voice numb.
Phil looked at me in pure shock. I don't blame him, Knowing a person who previously was 'happy' turns out to be suicidal is surprising, but then again Ranboo was good at making his emotions. I didn't know how to react when I first found out to. Well I mean I literally fucking saved him so..
then I hear footsteps behind me..

Tubbos POV:
Tommy fell asleep again after eating his food. He was really tired today so I didn't bother to wake him up, so I took this opportunity to go talk to Wilbur and Phil about the incident. I saw them go behind the camper so I slowly approached them. I pop around to see Wilbur and Phil on the ground with their faces tear stained, odd?
"Um.. probably not the best time to say this but we need to leave today.." I say making sure not to say anything bad yet.
Will looks up at me confused.. Phil is just fidgeting with this peace of ..paper?
"Uh.. so my mother found out about the whole 'Ranboo self harm thing..'right and uh- funny story she doesn't think he's a good influence so now he's going back to the US because she already booked a flight and we cant do anything a out it.- sorry" they looked at me in shock.
"What- when does his flight leave?" Wilbur asks.
"Tomorrow, early morning." I reply.
"Have you told him yet..?" Wilbur says his voice getting more shaky.
"N-no?" I stutter out.
"Please go tell him.." Wilbur says. That basically meant leave them alone. Well here goes nothing,.

Ranboos POV:
I've been staring at the ground for hours, I didn't deserve any of this. The saving, the friends, anything.
"Hey Ranboo?" I hear a voice behind, I flinch slightly but just hum back a response.
I could tell it was Tubbo by he voice, he sat beside but I did bother making eye contact with him..
"I don't know how to explain this, but your heading back to the US, your flight leaves tomorrow morning." Tubbo says.
no he's joking, if I go back I'm going to get beat. My father doesn't know I went here! Fuck what am I going to do. He doesn't want me here this is why I should have died last night I should have been more careful.
I choke back a sob, and just run into the camper heading straight for the bathroom, I just locked myself in there. Not boring to come out, they knocked a couple of times but I didn't even move. Eventually the camper started up and they headed home..

"I just hope dad goes easy on me."

WEEE done another chapter! And it's early! :D
Anyways remember that your loved and that no matter what your going though it gets better!
Stay hydrated and have a good day/night!
Word count! 1251

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