||35||Shared location. |End|

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(Lots of pov switching)
(This chapter has been re-written.)

Tommy's pov:
He.. he wasn't lying eh? It looked like he was dead. Like all the life and hope he had left had been ripped out of his body, I wanted to say something to him, I needed to say something to him, but nothing came out, nothing at all.
I just looked at Ranboo, we made eye contact, and by then you can tell by the look in his eyes that this was it.
He's gone, isn't he? And it was my fault, I guess I was the thing to push him over the edge of not caring.
The edge of numbness, I didn't even recognize him.
The mask that he's been keeping up this whole time has just seemed to be dropped,
It was just emotionless, empty, tired eyes staring down at me.
It sent shivers down my body, I didn't mean to do that, I just wanted my friends back, I didn't want to be replaced.
It's my fault, isn't it..?

Techno pov:
Ranboo looked at us, I know Tommy was beside me, I could feel the regret from behind me.
Tommy deserved to see this, he deserved to see the pain he caused.
I run up to Boo and grab his wrist lightly, getting blood on my hands.
"Boo! We need to get these cleaned up- are you ok-" I got cut off, "Stop." Ranboo said, pulling back his bloody wrist,
"It's fine techno, just stop worrying about me.." Ranboo spoke, his voice was empty, it was filled with no emotion.
The tears flooded into my eyes, no no this can't be happening, I worked so hard to help him, and to make him feel better, I driven to his house to save him, I've helped him escape his dad, i thought he could be fixed, I thought I could help. Nono I've worked so fucking hard please no I've tried so hard to make you better boo, please?

"Techno.. just leave me be please, it's the best thing you can do in this situation"  Boo said, trying to make his voice sound ok. He failed though, and he knew it, and I'm pretty sure Tommy and I did to.

I nod my head as the tears rolled down my face, Tommy followed behind me, and slowly make the walk down the stairs, it felt like it took longer then it normally would.
Just a few hours ago we were eating breakfast and having a good day, the next moment I see Boo soaked in his own blood.
I make it to the bottom on the stairs and I'm met with many people just staring at me, oh fuck how do I tell them.
"Uh, mate you ok?" Phil asks me as I walk back over to the couch. I shake my head violently, the teats soaking my face.
I couldn't muster up the words at all, i tried to, and all that came out was a choked out sob, I couldn't help, I couldn't..
I quickly sit down by Phil and curl up, he knows when I do this to just leave me alone..

After I managed to 'calm down' I decided it was better if I told them..
"You feeling better techno..?" I hear Wilbur ask me, I nod my head.
I stand up and prepare to tell them this.
"Ok.. um not really good at saying things like this, but Boo- I mean Ranboo is gone, he fucking broke.
And I mean like he came out of the washroom soaked head to toe in his own blood, and didn't even seem hurt. 
He didn't flinch as I grabbed his wrist, he had this numb, tired stare, there was no feeling left in his eyes.
I think-" I take a deep breath. "I think he finally had fucking enough,
He gave up fighting, he stopped trying or- pretending to be happy. He broke."
I say softly, just managing to hold back another sob. 

The god awful sound surrounded me,
The sound that was so calming but yet so awful, the sound that I hated so dearly.


My eyes met with Tubbos, they were full of tears.
Before I could say anything he bolted up the stairs.
Wilbur looked at me, his eyes seemed to be full of worry, I really wish I could help them.
Phil got up and gave me a hug, I felt at peace for a second, until I heard Tubbo scream at the top of his lungs.

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