||15|| Crimson drops.

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(Warning!- I write these late at night and I do not proof read them also, quick moving chapter..)

"I just hope dad goes easy on me."

I've been sitting locked in this washroom for hours. I'm used to being alone like this, locked in a dark small space was normal to me. I used to hide in my closet well father was mad.
I feel the camper slowly come to a stop. Then some knocking..?
"Ranboo, we are home.. you leave soon. Fuck.. I don't want to go back there. I get up slowly and unlock the door, making sure not to look up at anyone, I grab my suitcase and walk out of the camper, I don't bother to say goodbye to anyone because it's not like they care. Because if then did they would've offered to help, instead Wilbur just made me fucking throw up my only chance on being free, I just wanted a chance to be free. Why can't they just let me be free.
I went into Tubbos house and hear his mother scoff at me, then she says in a very faked happy voice..
"Hey Ranboo, sorry about this but it was fun having you here..
I glare at her, she can go fuck herself. I go into the main room and grab all the remaining clothes that were on the floor and couch. I shove it in and go into Tubbos room and grab the bag of my razor blades and walk back to my bag, putting them in. Then I walk over to the washroom and grab my hair brush, toothbrush, and toothpaste. And put then back into my bag. I'm so fucking done with everything, I grab my headphones and put them in. I grab my phone and go into my notes and just start writing so I remember.

' They still hate you undoubtably, but they're faking the fact that they care for you (which they don't). They still most likely hate you... of course they're using you for your follower and content, because who would love an ugly asshole such as yourself..? nobody here actually likes me I'm just a burden to them I need to know that down so I don't disappoint people.
because if I disappoint them and that's my fault and I can never live up to their expectations again. I just want to be happy that's the thing, but I don't wanna be alive! And now Wilbur and Phil and the whole internet knows now! I just wish I could have hid it better, so now I need to pretend to get better when I'm actually not. it's just that I want them to be happy and because of me they're not. I wonder why didn't Wilbur let me kill myself? I've done nothing but hurt people and steal things from others and I just wish he had.

Wilbur: Seems to not enjoy being around you. Maybe it's better that way, make sure more people don't get attached to me. Don't try and hang out with him, let him start the conversations. And just leave him alone.
Don't want him yelling at you.. right?

Phil: Seems to want to get away from you as fast as possible he's very quiet around you, looks at you weirdly..? he doesn't like me. I don't think I need to write this down, because if I think any different or if I think he going to like me at some point I need to look back at this and tell myself that I am being stupid and I am dumb. I need to be careful of who I trust, he had the chance to be my father thing..I can't help but want him to care about me but I can't let it.'

I get tired and slowly drift off to sleep dropping my phone onto my lap..
I have to wake up soon anyways so might as well spent the last hours of my 'perfect' life sleeping without any fear.

*time skip*

Tubbos mother is driving me to the airport, and lecturing me about my cutting and how I was being so childish..
Getting into the airport felt like someone was stabbing me in the back. I hated everything, I wanted to die right then and there.
Getting ready to get on the plane felt even worse. It felt like everyone one was staring at me, judging me for every imperfect on my face. I want to just sink into the ground.
The plane ride felt really short for some reason, maybe it was because I knew when I got back my father would be fucking pissed..
Getting off the plane and getting my bag felt short, getting into my Uber felt short..?
Getting home was the worst part.. let's pray that it's going to be ok.
I get out of the car and thank the Uber driver. I grabbed my bag and walked up to the front door. Hearing the car behind me slowly drive away.. I go to knock since it's really early. Like 1 am..?
But I see the door open really quickly and I get pulled inside.
The door slams and I get thrown agent a wall, the force knocks all the air out if me. It also sends my suit case flying across the room slamming agent the wall beside me..
"WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU THINK I WOULD DO ONCE I FOUND OUT YOU WORTHLESS FUCK." he yells, walking over to me and kicking me in the stomach repeatedly, i wish I was never born, but it wasn't his fault he was drunk though..?  He still loves me right..?
"ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING LISTENING TO ME?!" he picks me up by my shirt, holy fuck he's strong. But I am like 120 pounds so..
I feel myself getting pined agent the wall, he lifts up his left hand and punches me in the face.  Out of reflex, I kick my knee up hitting directly in the.. oh no. Oh fuckk...
"Did you just. Fucking fight back..? Ranboo remember the conscience now..." he says
I curl up, bracing myself for the cuts he was about to inflict on me.
He comes back with a kitchen knife. I feel myself getting picked but up by my shirt, I let myself go lip if I fight back, it will be worse. If eel the stinging sensation on my stomach first as he slowly drags the knife across.
He continue this until he gets bored.
So, he stabbed my shoulder.
I help in pain and he drops me..
"Have fun dealing with that.." he says well he wipes off his hands.
Everything is dizzy and I don't feel so well.. I grab my phone and click the fist contact I see..

👑 Technoblade 👑

Sent. 1:50 Am

Everything goes black after i send the message. I don't know who I sent it to.. but whoever it is..

"Please.. help."

hi :D
Hope your having a good day, make sure your staying hydrated! Also remember that even though it may not feel like it you are loved!
Hope you guys liked this quick moving chapter, the next one might be out tomorrow, might not.

Word count: 1211

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