||25|| Breaking down

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(Warning uh I wrote this late at night and I'm to lazy to read over it right now, I'll probably do it later. Enjoy )

Ranboo's pov:
I drift back awake, god where the fuck am I?
I sit up slowly and look around to see a nice living room with vines growing around the place, and techno sleeping on the couch next to me? Oh dear god he's going to be pissed off when he wakes up, I should have asked or at least gone to my room? Right it's the guest room, I'll only be here for another day. Then it's back to getting dads house will be extra fun.. I get up, my body ached and my throat felt so dry. I slowly walk over to the kitchen, not bothering to mask any of my emotions I mean who will see.
I grab a glass and fill it with water, making sure not to spill it everywhere. I drink the water slowly because my storm h can't handle much since..I ate. I fucking ate didn't I, wow I fucking stole technos food the he could have eaten.
I sigh and finish the water, and slowly place it down in the sink. I guess I'll take a shower? I mean again it's better to let myself relax before going back to that hell right? I slowly make my way back to my room making sure to not wake up techno, I'm not used to this house so I step on a lot loud spot, I hope to god that techno didn't wake up.
Will he be mad at me for taking a shower, will he be mad at me taking some water without asking?
I mean he can do what ever he want if he is mad, it's not like it will affect me..
Finally I make it to my-the guest room, shit I should really stop thinking that this is my room, it isn't. I walk over to the books that I placed down, I open the one with my blade in it, making sure not to cut any of the pages as I pull it out. I grab a towel and look around to see if i could find any clothes.
I do find some but it looks like technos, I don't care he can fucking deal with it if he's sending me back soon.. I grab the clothes and head off into the washroom.

I place the stuff in my hands on the counter, making sure to extract the blade from that mess..I look up and the was a fucking mirror, it was huge to. WHO THE FUCK NEEDS THIS BIG OF A MIRROR!?
I continue staring at myself, my was greasy and my face was bruised and scared. I had to fight myself from punching the mirror, every little inch of control was being used I had to tighten my grip on the blade to get myself to look away.
I run over to the toilet and vomit into it, god I'm so fucking weak for not being able to look at myself. I get back up and flush the toilet, I'm fucking stupid I can't do anything right.. I turn in the shower, and take off my sweater along with my bandages. I sit down on the ground crossing my legs and resting my wrist on them. I readjusted my grip on the blade and push down, letting all my anger, stress, and sadness out as it cut through my skin as if it was paper.
The lines of white quickly filled up with crimson and the blood poured in, making me calmer with every slice.
Soon my left wrist was to full to even see the skin, it was just find with red shiny liquid. The droplets looked like rubies, the lines like art, I sat there looking at my work I was satisfied with it.
I saved the feeling until it starts to dry, the copper smell faded and the feeling slipped away from me. God damit how the fuck and I suppose to get away with this? I can just say that I took a shower and that why the bandages are all moved around? Thant might work. I get up making sure that I don't have any blood on the floor, Then I take of the rest of what I'm wearing and step into the shower to wash off the mistakes I've made.

Techno's POV:
Waking up to a door closing isn't scary until you realize that you have a suicidal teen on your hands, then it gets all the adrenaline pumping though your system. Shoot up from my sleeping place, and bolt over the the front door. It's still.. locked? I walk over to his new room since he is going to be staying here for a bit longer then he thinks, his bathroom door was closed I guess now would be a good time to look through his room. I take a quick scan of the room and see that two books were on his side table, one of which was on the bed opened to a random page quite far into the book. He couldn't have read that so quickly right, Maybe I'm just over thinking.
But why isn't the bed a bit messy? Didn't he sleep in it last night, that's the way I make beds.
Everything was still in the way I had places it. If he didn't sleep in the bed where did he sleep? Maybe on the couch outside, but that wouldn't had been possible because again I would had saw him..
So he definitely slept in a chair in here? Or like the floor? Why would he sleep on the floor.. maybe be didn't feel comfortable here?
I hear the water from inside of the washroom stop, and shuffling around inside. Oh dear god did I spend to long in here? I mean that's my fault maybe I can ask him why he didn't sleep in his bed.. or maybe- I hear the click of the lock on the door and then the door opened.
Revealing Ranboo with bloody messed up bandages wrapped lazily around his arms, you could still see the blood leaking down his arms still, the blade still in his hand.
He looked at me with pure shock, tears in his eyes.
"Ranboo what the fuck did you do.."

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A hello :)
Hope your all having a good day Uh that's it-
Stay hydrated please? And remember to not vent in my comments- thank youuu!

Word count 1124

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