||27|| Thinking.

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(Warning! I don't proof read these chapters at all, I might go over and fix some mistakes but that's when I'm bored.
This is also a filler chapter so sorry!)

Technos POV:

What in the actual fuck, i leave him alone for about 2-3 hours and he does this. god damit he could have woken me up, i could have helped him but no he resorts to this, how can he be so closed minded. i guess he could tell by the tone of my voice that i was a bit pissed off, but instead of that i send him into a panic attack. ok thats great- what im i supost to do now- last time i say him panic was when he was on the fucking bridge. i watch ranboo back up into a wall and fall down it, he was holding his blade like he'd hurt me if i got close. so thats a no..

i try my best to calm him down, but he just kept saying more and more things like I would understand them.
At least I figured out why he doesn't want to see his father, he's a fucking asshole.
Ranboo eventually passes out because I had no idea what to do. I pick him up, he was still incredibly light and walk him over to his bed, I place him in the bed and put a blanket on top of him. This is going to be a handful to deal with, but I need to try my best..
Now time to go call Phil, maybe he can help me..

Ranboos pov:
I lay there, anxious about what they are talking about, I've been awake for awhile now so I know techno is talking to someone.. maybe he's sending me home again.. I mean I should leave for his house tomorrow? And he also has my phone so I'll just make it easy for him and call him myself.
I did break the one fucking rule, and now he fucking hates me so that's fun..  I contemplate opening the bedroom door to listen into their conversation, but if I got caught that wouldn't be that good.
He hates me already, so it will be worse if I do something to piss him off..

I slowly get up, making sure not to make to much noice.  I hope techno isn't a violence kind of person, ahah I would be fucking dead if he was.  God maybe that would actually work- no stop thinking that, I'm going to cut when I get back home with dad..
I mean he's still a good person, I'm just overreacting.
But didn't techno say something before I passed out? Like it's is normal or something like that..?
Or maybe it's not normal, if it's not normal then my whole life is a lie. Everything that's ever been told to me isn't true.
If this isn't normal then maybe it's better if I go away permanently. Because I'd be risking putting my dad in jail, and I'd also be a fucking burden to my friends, I'm already a fucking mess to begin with not to mention all the shit that would have caused.
But this is my fault, it is normal. I know it is.. I believe dad he wouldn't lie to me right.. right..?
My legs start to shake, I realize that I had zoned out well standing up.
Well aren't I stupid, I walk over to the bedroom door and open it a crack. There was no more talking now, just the sound of drawers being opened and closed? Don't fucking tell me he's cooking, he took away my blade so now the only other way I can inflict pain is by scratching, burning or starving myself. And I'm planning in the starving one, it kills two birds with one stone. Makes me not fat, and give me the pain I'm addicted to.
I slowly walk out into the hallway, trying my best not to make any noise.  I make it to the kitchen and I fucking guessed it, he's making food- Fuckkkkk.
"Hey techno, sorry about earlier " I say to him, techno jumps up and looks terrified at me.
"Holy crap boo, you fucking scared the shit out of me! When did you get here? And how did you get here so quietly-?"
Techno asks, his voice still a bit startled.
"I just got here, sorry. And I thought I made a ton of noice getting here- how did you not hear me?"
I asked.
How did he not hear me, I was so fucking loud, you could probably hear every step I took from like a mile away-
"We'll I wasn't planing on you getting up any time soon, I was going to cook us some food though. I also plugged in your phone so if you want to go on that you can" he gestured towards the outlet on the wall.

"Um-I'll help out with making some food, just a head up I'm not that hungry though!" I say in my fake happy voice, making sure to mask any sort of angry emotion I had. I didn't want to eat.

"Well, your extremely thin. Your going to have to eat this meal ok? It's for your own Heath?
You want to be healthy right?" Techno asked me, it feels like I'm being interrogated-

"Uh- Ya! Of course I want to be healthy! I mean isn't that the main thing you need to do to survive?" I say back, still using my fake happy tone. God I fucking hate my fake happy tone.
"Ok great! Then come help me cook!" Techno says back, and we get to work making a meal that I will throw up later.

Techno ended up burning the food, thank god so I didn't have to eat- never mind he said he was going to order pizza.
Guess that whole 'heathy thing' is out the fucking window now, isn't it funny how thing like that change so easily..?
I guess I'll go on my phone well I wait, because there is no way I'm getting out of this meal.
I walk over and unplug my phone, it shows the power on screen and then..

"Why the fuck do I have so many missed calls?"

Guess I'm spoiling you guys, getting two chores in less then 2 days- wow aren't you guy S o o o o o o lucky :D
Jk, this was sorta a filler chapter because every story needs some of those right?
Renege to stay hydrated and to get a little snack ok? It might be hard to eat but try your best.
love you all hope you have a wonderful day/night!
Word count 1140 <3

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