||17|| It's fine.

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(Warning!- I write these late at night and I do not proof read them! Also, a very quick moving chapter.)

Techno's POV:
I sit there in utter shock.. What the fuck? When he asked for help I didn't expect him to mean mental help!
Because I joined the fucking call and heard yelling, then silence, then like the door slammed someone, then someone was running up the stairs. All of sudden I see Ranboo burst though his door and slam it closed. Bruises and deep cuts littered across his body. His cuts look self inflicted.. god fuck why didn't I help!
He didn't notice that he was still on call with his camera and microphone on. He rummaged frantically though his suitcase pockets and grab a.. razor. Fuck. Before I could say anything he was already sobbing on the ground, harming himself Well.. I don't want to watch that, so I study the rest of the room. His sheets were bunches up in to a ball, it looked like he hadn't slept in his bed for days. Moving on to the suitcase, all of its contents were thrown everywhere, you could see the shine of some more metallic objects. And then the most concerning thing was the blood soaked towel which didn't even look that old. The blood was still a slight shade of red like almost a copper colour..
I look back at Ranboo and I see red dripping down from his wrists, way more then I thought would..
"Ranboo!?" I say, it seem to have caught his attention. I see him try to get up but them almost instantly fall back down. Passing out..?
"RANBOO!? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!" I yell if he's awake he would so some sort of response. But nothing., great.. I need to tell Phil or will.. they will know what to do right..? So I text them. Making sure I'll stay in the call until Boo (Platonic nickname!) comes back..

Ranboos POV:
Waking up was always the worst.. it's your going to feel refreshed and ready to start the day..! Or you wake up with your head pounding, like hundreds of hammers banging in your head. Along with that your mouth and throat feel as dry as a desert, feeling like sandpaper. It was stupid to Stand up, because I opened up all the cuts when I fell.
other then that that's all I remember. All I do know is that I need to clean off all this fucking blood off me and take a fucking shower.. because not only am I dirty on the outside, I feel disgusting on the inside. I wish I could rip out my insides down throw them in the trash.
Getting up was even more painful. I had to fight off the dizziness that came with the malnutrition and dehydration, along with the constant pain from his lower end and all his cuts.
I slowly limp over to my suitcase with more of my clothes thrown around it. I pick out the fist things I see, it's not like anyone is going to see me in this..
I grab the shit I need and slowly limp into my washroom and shove my clothes down on the counter.
Then I did something I regret. I looked up at the mirror. I didn't even recognize that it was me at first, my left eye was bruised and slightly swollen, you could see the redness on my face from me crying. The little scars that were on my face also looked larger..? Odd, there was also some new scratches and cuts on my face from the nights before.
My body also looked abnormally large..? I haven't been eating so I dint know how that's happening..
In a fit of pure rage I lift my fist and punch my mirror, shattering into thousands of little pieces. With they way the light was reflecting off of them they looked like some sort of sharp deadly diamonds, I register what the fuck I just did and stand there in pure shock. I really can't even handle my own face and body features.. how pathetic I guess dad was right
I really am I mistake- specking of him, he'll be fucking pissed about this, so might as well have the rest the time to relax before getting beaten to the brink of death again. Carefully avoiding the sharp glass shards, I managed to get in the shower.
The water was cold when I first turned it on, it pulled my body out of its tired state and make me shiver, I hated cold water or just cold in general. I always felt cold, the only warmth I felt was when the blood dripped down or when I got hugged by Tubbo.. the same Tubbo that hasn't bother to message me or text me.. the water is getting hotter at this point to the point we're if it was set any higher it would burn me. I wouldn't mind this but still, it burned agents my cuts and scratches, slowly turning the water a light pink colour. it went away after about a minute after all the dry blood had been washed away. I carefully wash the rest of my body making sure not to damage any other cuts are bruised areas..
Everything hurt and no matter how hard he scrubbed he never felt clean.. everything just felt so wrong..?
I needed to remind myself that this was normal. Dad was just stressed with everything and he needed a way to get out his anger, and that way was me..?
Turning off the water was like getting pulled away from a hug. The warmth that I felt was stripped away from me, everything still hurt.
Slowly stepping out of the shower making sure not to step in the shattered mirror pieces I grabs my clothes and carefully slipped them on, the pants were a bit to short but that's ok.. it's fine. I grab the towel and dry my hair off. I hang up the towel and dodge the shards one again maneuvering my way out of the bathroom. Heading back to my room was normal..
Until I stepped into my room and saw my reflection in my pc. My camera was on..? And.. oh no..

"I left discord open."

Hello everyone: sorry for no update :c me been busy again :c
But more updates on the way! Remember to stay hydrated!!

Word count: 1086 :)

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