||30|| So tired.

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I get awoken by techo shacking me, i guess we are here? i grab my phone and look up at techno, he looks worried, i feel bad that i dragged him into this. They were my problems, i was going to..get rid of them myself, and i was so fucking close but then he showed up, he ruined everything.

¨Cmon boo, we need to get going."techno says. slowly i get up from my seat and open the car door, the loud noises hit me like a truck, actually i would rather be hit by a truck then deal with this noise. i suck it up and offer to carry technos luggage for him, he doesn't want me to.

we walk towards the entrance and walk inside, i close my eyes and takes a deep breath. This is fine, i know that this isnt normal to be this fucking loud.

i somehow manage to dissociatie, making nothing matter. i faintly remember getting through security , waiting to get on the plane and getting on the plane.

we sit down and i feel so so tired still, and i also feel so hungry, but maybe thats why my fatass is so tired, i rest my head on something beside me and slowly drift back to sleep.

Technos pov:

i feel a light tap on my shoulder after we get on the plane, i was confused until i looked over and saw ranboo passed out on my shoulder, holy shit this is adorable- (platonic) i pull out my phone and take a picture, then i set it as my phone background. im careful not to disturb him, he needs his sleep, i mean in the handful of days hes been with me hes been nothing but tired.

He hasn't eaten much too, hes just been sitting around being sad, i mean i don't blame him. i did pull him away from the side of the bridge so he did not fucking die.

i sigh, i guess ill make it my goal to make sure he doesn't die.

* 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓹*

Ranboos pov:

I get rudely awoken by the pilot yelling something along the lines of we are landing. i lift my head up and look around, god dammit i still have to talk to wilbur,tommy and tubbo.

i cling on to techno not caring anymore, its not like hes going to hit me in public, i close my eyes and let techno guide the way.

"Hello tecnho, hello Ranboo. Welcome back." i hear a familiar voice say. i open my eyes to see phil.

honestly i felt relief but i knew i would have to see tubbo and tommy soon, i contunue to cling onto technos arm.

i hear techno and phil talking to each other, i don't care, im tired i want to sleep. i feel techno move forwards so i follow, "boo, please let go so we can get in the car, your sitting in the back." i hear techno say softly, i listen and let go, climbing into the back seat.

"Just so you know, ranboo. Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur are at my house, we decided to make this week fun! " phil says to me

I mumble a "yes" and curl up again, just listen in to them talk to each other, i dont know what they were saying.. but i felt safe.

We pull up to phils house, it wasnt that big, and it was in a somewhat calm neighborhood, i get out of the car slowly, i guess not slowly enough because i still saw stars. i wait for tecnho, I watched him grab his luggage and walk toward me. I just wanted to sleep, I followed him inside Phil's house and I'm immediately met with screaming, it sounded like Tommy.
"TOMMY SHUT UP MATE!" I scramble behind techno, I so fucking weak, still getting startled by yelling.
I slowly stand back up normally, I see Wilbur walk in.. he had the look of pure pity in his eyes.  I smile and wave at him, making sure that I hold my sleeve up, I mean that's one thing I can do.
Tommy came in next, he took one look at me a scoffed, he rolled his eyes crossed his arms, making sure to not look at me! What did I do to him..?
Tubbos came in the the room practically running, he ran straight at me and hugged me, it hurt, a lot.
"Hello Tubbo-" I say, trying to not suffocate.
He let go of me and smiled, Phil laughed.
"Looks like you two missed each other." Techno said, practically ripping Tubbo off of me.
I nodded and smiled again, still fake but no one could tell right..
"Alright boys, it's getting late, Wilbur go show Ranboo his room, Tommy Tubbo don't be to loud please"
Phil says.
"FUCK YOU PHILL I DO WHAT I WANT!" Tommy scream jokingly, I instinctively hide behind techno, but one I realized what I did, I walked over to Wilbur and he gestures for me to follow him.
I do hesitantly, I'm in high alert making sure not to piss him off.
"So, Are you ok Ranboo? You seem on edge." Wilbur says to me.
I just nod my head, I'm forced on not passing out on our way up the stairs.
He gets to the top and shows me my 'room'
It looks like my one at my father house, small and empty.

"Thanks Wilbur, have a good night." I say as I head into my 'room' 
I shut the door behind him, and immediately flop down on the bed, it didn't feel the best but it was ok. My stomach was killing me, my head was killing me, my everything hurt. I wanted to be free from this hell...

"But it seems like that won't happen anytime soon"

How are you?
Did your remember to drink water?
NO! I don't mean monster, not apple juice, and no 4 week old water that's been sitting in your room and probably has a pound of dust in it.  Anyways, hope this chapter wasn't that bad, there is like 5 that I have already planned :>

Word count: 1063

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