||19|| Backtrack.

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(Warning!- I write these late at night and I do not proof read them!)

Ranboos POV:
Being stuck in a small, isolated place wasn't out of the ordinary, I was quite used to it.
It felt normal to me to be in here, it's quite calming actually think about it. Spending god knows how long locked in a small area, not knowing if your friends missed you or even cared about you, no. Just sitting there feeling your legs cramp and your back hurt.. it had only been a bit. I haven't drank anything yet and I haven't eaten.. what the point it's better to save it right..?
I hear my father come up the stairs, wonder what he's going.. I shift around accidentally knocking over some stuff.. oops.
I hear the foot steps slowly move toward my little hid out, the door unlocked with a little click before I was yanked out, banging my head on the top of the door frame.
"Ever heard of being quiet!? Holy shit how can you be so annoying all the time, no wonder your friends didn't want you in the uk!"he yells at me. I stare back at him, I felt nothing. No sadness no anger no fear.. I was numb.
Numb.. everything has finally just gotten to the point where I can't feel, that's gre-
Well it was great until I noticed that I was getting thrown across the room.
I hid the wall with a thud, it hurt but I didn't so any sign of that. I could tell that this made father angry.. great. I really did get fucked up to the point where even he's more mad at me. I smile to myself.. I know what time it is!We'll time to be a punching bag! C:

After that beating and..'helping dad out' I get thrown back into my purgatory.. this closet feels smaller then before, nothing really had changed but maybe it was the way I felt like I needed to stretch out my sore muscles. Or maybe the fact that I needed to tend to my wounds. Everything felt like it was in slow motion.. I deserved this, this is the way every kid gets punched. Maybe I'm just a fucking pussy. But this is what I deserve.

Technos POV:
I've tried to call Ranboo several times, it's been about a day and a half since the gaslighting incident, I don't blame him though for hiding his problems, the thing that I worried about the most is how well he hid them. No one knew, his mask was so good that every average person would think he's ok, and when he did have a hard time keeping his mask up he just said he was tired. I wonder what caused all of this to start.. that's why I have been trying to get a hold of him! So I can talk about this, but he won't pick up.. it scares me.. but I have one more plan.

Ranboo's POV:
everything went by in a blur.. all the abuse, rape and yelling just went though my head.. I absorb nothings but yet everything. It was all just replaying in my head. All the things my father has said to me in the last how ever many days it's been. I know he left the closet unlocked this time, so I'm just patiently waiting for him to leave the house so I can get out of here and stretch my legs and go have a shower, i knew he would be gone for awhile, so I might as well take advantage over this. And plus when he's drunk he won't shove me back in here!
I hear the slam of the front door indicating that my father has left. I sit there and wait for I bit until I slowly open the door and climb my way out, the feeling of relief in my legs and arms was amazing. I walk over to my mess of a room which seemed messer then it was last time.. odd?
And look around for my phone, i eventually find it on the ground, dead.. when I got locked in the linen closet it was fully charged.. I plug it in and go to my washroom, the feeling of relief that I didn't have to look at myself was immeasurable,
Breaking that mirror was the best thing I've done ever.

I get into the shower and again feel relief, it felt like forcing since I could stand and just the feeling of water made me want to cry. I'm so so Weak. I make sure that I don't take to long in the shower so not to waste time to lay down and sleep.
Because might as well spend my peaceful time sleeping! I get out of the shower and grab the towel I dropped on the ground, I shake it so that there are no mirror shards and wrap it around me, the fabric hurting agent my almost healed cuts. I avoid the shards, the light making it hard to navigate around them, I ended up stepping on a few before making it over to the door. I make it out of the washroom with only a couple cuts on my feet, better then nothing I guess.. I make my way back to messy room and go straight to my phone and turn it on, I go to put in the password.. but there is none? Oh right i turned it off during the 3 attempt.
I open it up to check for notifications there are none.. again very odd. There would at least be some twitter notifications right..? Or one or two group chat dms..? Maybe even a twitch streamer going live but no, nothing just empty..
I open discord and I'm met with the dms of me and techno blade.. and I suddenly figure out why there was no notifications..
"My father had messaged all my friends."

IM NOT IN ANYWAY TRYING TO SEXUALIZE ANYTHING OK- ok with that out of the way! Thank you all for all the support, it means a lot :D
I have you all have a good day/night and make sure to have a little snackie:D
W e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e :DDD


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