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(Heads up, haven't slept yet and it's 1am. If there's spelling errors, deal with it.)

Ranboo's pov:

Waking up was always the same, But today was different.. I felt like i wanted to wake up, Maybe this shit is working.
I get up and look around for my phone, its in my pocket, i don't know how i managed to sleep with it in there but its whatever.
I slowly walk out to the hallway, its so quiet... I look at my phone, Its 6:00 am. I guess im used to walking up early to escape my father.
As I make my way down to the kitchen, I wonder why techno helped me, it felt odd for someone to actually care for me, you know..? You go your whole life just trying to survive and never actually living, just hoping that you won't wake up, being selfish only because you have a bad life. Well other people slowly wither away from Heath issues you just sit there,   Being pathetic, a mistake.
Maybe I should stop thinking for now, seems like the best thing to do. I walk into the kitchen, and decided to make people food, I mean I should do something useful. I put my phone down and start cooking.

The first person to come down, was of course Techno. He looked really tired, like really tired.
"Uh, Good morning Sir, how are you feeling" I say, just managing to keep my voice from shaking.
"Ok Ranboo, why the hell are you calling me sir? And thanks for cooking food for everyone, hopefully they will be down soon" techno says, rubbing his eyes.
I just nod my head, hopefully the others will like it, even though I cooked a normal breakfast meal, one of my father's favourite to. I found some eggs, and things to make pancakes, so I made scrambled eggs and pancakes and I cut up some strawberries on top!

I saw tecnho take the plate of pancakes I made for him and sit down, I decided to take a photo of the pancakes and send it to Wilbur and Tubbo, I know Tommy likes to sleep in, and I don't want to disturb Phil so-
I grab my phone and take a quick picture of the food, and send it to them with the message- made food for you guys- come get it :>
Within a minute of that message being send I hear someone come crashing down the stairs, I look over to see Tubbo, on the ground. He fucking fell down the stairs, I can't help but laugh.
I walk over to him and offer my hand,
"Hey tubs, need help? Did my pancakes really look that good that you had to throw yourself down the stairs to get them?" I ask, trying my best to hold in my laughter.
"Yes- i totally intended on falling down the stairs, yep totally". Tubbo says I burst out laughing, I help him up make sure he's alright.
"Ok, good. Foods in the kitchen-" before I finish Tubbos already running there, almost falling again.
Behind me, I hear some foot steps I turn around to see Wilbur and tommy, I guess Tubbo throwing himself down the stairs woke Tommy up.

"Good morning you two, how are you doing today? Also pancakes are in the kitchen!" I say, actually feeling happy for once.. maybe this will work.
"Fuck off Ranboo" tommy says shoving passed me almost pushing me over on his way  to the kitchen, guess I was wrong.
"A-Alright then, How are you this morning, Wilbur." I ask in a much more calm tone, trying to hid my sadness. Why does Tommy hate me?
"I'm doing well, thanks for asking! Also, thanks for making us food, sorry for Tommy's attitude, he's not that friendly in the mornings." Wilbur says in a sophisticated voice, he doesn't have to defend Tommy when we both know Tommy's not that fond of me.
I lead Wilbur to the kitchen, he grabs his set of pancakes and goes to sit with techno, i decide to join them, I mean what am I going to ...eat?

I sit down in the living room with Wilbur and techno, and just zone out. The only reason I zone back in is because I hear my name being called?
"So, Ranboo we're are your pancakes? Have you decided to you know, skip breakfast?" Tommy says, with this snotty like attitude. I just freeze what do I say? Do I lie? That would probably be better.
"Oh! Ya sorry for worrying you Tommy, I ate the first batch of pancakes well making the rest of them!" I say putting on my cheerful mask. I can't let them see throw it this time. I can't.
"Alright sure, we all totally believe that, fucking attention seeker." Tommy mumbles under his breath.
Am I a attention seeker? I'm I doing this all for attention? God I'm such a mistake, even Tommy sees it to, I'm pathetic.
Maybe it would have been better if I had just ran away from techno, and when back with my father, I mean his not that much of a bad person, I mean he'll let me off my self anyway so that's a benefit. 
"Excuse me?" I hear techno say, sounding a little bit aggravated.
"You heard me techno, he's being a no good attention seeker, your falling for his act to! It's pathetic! Look at you your falling apart and listening to his lies!" Tommy say, making techno more mad by the second.
"Tommy, he's not being a attention seeker. Calm down please" techno says, trying to keep calm as well.
"I will NOT BE CALM!  Ranboo HAS THE FUCKING PERFECT LIFE, THE BEST FRIENDS AND HES JUST BEING A FUCKING GOOD FOR NOTHING, USELESS ATTENTION SEEKER!" Tommy screams at techno, I flinch and pull my knees to my chest. "TOMMY. shut up" techno says, and Tommy stops instantly.
I start to uncurl myself until I hear Tommy say:

"Hey, at least I'm not a fat ass who can't eat."

How are you-
Great. Good wonderful. Now let's get one thing straight(unlike me). I have a life, and a family that I spend time with during the Christmas season, it's Entirely disrespectful how many private messages and comments I got asking to update, on Christmas.
Alright, with that out of the way I plan on writing chapter ideas all tomorrow and maybe a chapter to post! :>
and remember to Have a wonderful day readers!

Word count~! 1102

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